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  Shortly after the last level had concluded, the exhausted teens had practically collapsed in a distressful slumber. They decided that it was best that they did not take time to think about what they had lost until they were all safe, for it would only take time and effect their performance on fighting for survival. Jazlyn had previously instructed them that they were only allowed to do two levels a day, so it was a perfectly appropriate time to catch up on sleep. This particularly angered Blaise, for she knew that they were perfectly capable of completing all of the levels in about two days. That way, they could get out and get Michael admitted to a hospital and he may be able to live. However, she and everybody else very well knew that it was not the way that things were meant to work. Getting out alive was not in the expected master plan.

 Hunger and thirst were also growing to be issues. The last thing they had digested was Harry's bland pasta a couple of days ago, and they hadn't eaten much of it. Human bodies could only progess without living necessaties for so long, especially with stressful physical activity. They weren't sure if they could go a lot longer without at least water.  

  A few hours past dawn, they had all slowly awoken from sleeping on the cold, wooden floors and stared at each other silently for a couple of minutes. They were exhausted, starving, parched, grieving, and terrified all at once, and at the time, nothing in the world was worth gathering enough energy for words. All that they could do is emotionally plead for all of it to be over soon, and if their indiividual deaths were the only way, then so be it. They just couldn't handle being in here and watching people they loved perish.

 "Are you guys ready?" Jazlyn asks, looking down symapthetically at the worn out kids who lay silently on the floor in front of her. Even she would have no trouble breaking down in tears at the sight, seeing how done they appeared when it was only day two of levels. Sometimes, she remembers the anquishing pain and terror she had experienced during her own time, but the sympathy isn't worth getting her soul eaten.

  "We don't really have a choice," Rocky finally says, biting her knee slightly and reminding herself that it is not yet time to think about what she had lost.

 Scooting up a bit, they all looked at each other like they were the most prescious thing in the world, knowing that there's a large chance that more of them will be gone without moments. The feeling deep inside every centimeter of your trembling body that tells you that your short and unsatisfactory life will be soon coming to an end is absolutely terrifying.

 "If it makes you feel any better, this is your chance for food and water," Jazlyn mutters, making everyone perk up a bit. Besides freedom, food and water were currently their biggest desires.

"What's the theme of this party?" Calum asks sarcastically, remembering the previous jungle and maze.

 "My personal favorite," Jazlyn mutters, opening the large, heavy door. They take deep breaths and reluctantly follow her, content in the fact that this level may actually result in something good for them.

 As the beginning of most levels, everything was pitch black, and they were unaware as to what to expect on their surroundings. The warm is suprisingly warm, their pale faces warmed by the nearby source of heat. A distant sound of tambourines sounds in the distance, the only thing nearby different than their slow, harsh breaths. Suddenly, the bright lights go on, letting them see themselves in a large circle with a large, fire center piece. The flames blow up towards the celing, almost not a spec of smoke flowing from the top. Below the firepit, eight monkey dolls ride unicycles, each battering tambourines or blowing a trumpet. If it was any other circumstance and they didn't know any better, they would've described them as cute.

 The door was obnviously siitng parralel from them, so inviting to pass through. Fortunately, they were intellegent enough to understand not to go right up to it.

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