Haaron- if i fucking feel something

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hayes and aaron

 ~~~~~~~~~~~'3 PPPEEERRSSONNNN PPPOOOVVVV~~~~~~~~~~~~

aaron was at nash and cams apartment but he couldnt stay here, he couldnt be here with hayes. aaron just cant

you dont understand do you?

well its simple as aaron would say he has devloped a crush on hayes. and he noticed that being here was not a good choice, and before you ask no aaron could not -i repeat COULD NOT- tell hayes about this crush

i personally dont even think you can even call it a crush, its love aaron has loved hayes since the second magcon. the way his eyes sparkle or the way he talk and the way his lips move, everything.. oh no i didnt think any of this, that was what aaron says when i ask him to talk about hayes.he says hes perfect.

anywhore back to the story

hayes was filming a video with nash and carter so this gave aaron some time....aaron walked into the spare bedroom and sighed noticing his messy suitcase beside hayes' suitcase. they were sharing a room, if you wanted to you could add that to the list of reason why aaron couldn't stay. he started to pack his suitcase frowning in the process he didnt really need to pack much he just needed to re-fold everything aaron started to fold everything again but stopped when he saw one of his sweaters, his favourite swearter.. it was a white hoodie with three blue stripes just underneithe his arm pits. his favourite. i dont what made him do it but he opened up hayes' suitcase and placed it on the top. maybe it was so hayes would remember aaron because- well im not going to tell you, youll find out trust me. aaron closed hayes' suitcase and went to the bathroom gathering all his stuff. maybe he thought as he zipped up his suitcase up maybe if im fast i can leave without bugging hayes, maybe i can get out.he fiddled with the plane ticket he walked to the but just as he opened the door hayes came jogging down the stairs. aaron didnt see nash or carter with him. hayes gave him a confused look "where are you going" hayes said but aaron couldnt look at him "we cant be friends anymore" he said just before he yanked his siutcase out the door and walked to the elavator. the thing that hurt aaron the most was hayes didnt even come after him

back at the apartment hayes, well hayes didnt even know what to do, his best friend, his love -this is not the time to disucss this- the only one he could trust just told him that they couldnt be friends. hayes felt like crying. no he couldnt cry but he would lay on the side of the bed that aaron slept on and that what he did, carter and nash came down about 30 minutes yelling at hayes telling him to get up but right now everything was blurry he bearly caught any words and his vison was blurry until he finally sat up and screamed "FUCKING SHUT UP" and nash yelled back "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE" this time hayes laid back down and shut his eyes "aaron doesnt want to be my friend anymore" he said not daring to open his eyes he heard nash mumble something along the lines of 'im going to have a serious talk with him' but hayes just let it slide

aaron finally got home and acted like nothing happened told his mom he'd be at his friend jaimes house for the next two nights and he'd be home around 7:00 in the next two days his mom just smiled and let him go

and that night both of them couldnt get any sleep

~~~~~~~skip 4 days~~~~~~~~~~~~~

you see now hayes wouldnt move, he wouldnt get out of bed.. but aaron just keep pretending acting like nothing happen right now he was at home on his phone just wasting time, he honestly couldnt get hayes off his mind and I dont think you know how many times cam carter and nash called him if you added them up it would probably be about 376 and aaron denied every single one

nash walked into the bedroom got to hayes suitcase and through out aarons sweater but he didnt it was aarons he just thought it was hayes' sweater he also grabbed some black shorts and boxers nash through them right at hayes and screamed " get up youre going to Louisiana" as he pulled the sheets of the spare bed "be ready in 30 or you're not going" and with that nash walked out of the room closing the door. hayes almost instantly jumped out of bed, he knew who was in louisiana he splited of his boxers put n the new one and slid on the rest of the clothes and did whatever else he did i kinda got bored but one thing i did notice is just before hayes walked out the door he looked in the mirror and noticed it wasnt his sweater he whispered a "why the hell am i wearing aarons sweater" and then he walked out the door, nash was waiting by the door "i called the cab" he said "here is the ticket" he said handing the ticket to hayes "and here are the ones to come back" he said handing two more to hayes, and hayes just looked confused "bring someone back" nash said ruffling hayes' hair and pushing him out the door and hayes knew what he meant.

"mom im going out ill be back around 7:00 ish" aaron yelled, he was going to the mall with jaime

oh did i not tell you who jaime was wellllll she the only person who knew about aarons 'crush' he was also her rock and best girl friend

nothing really happened at the mall arron bought a new snapback and some shirts not much. it was 7:15 when aaron walked into the house he had bags hanging off his arms and his eyes glued to his phone he heard quite chatter and soft music playing in the background right now he was on twitter tweeting about nothing well a stupid qoute he saw on a shirt 'sing like nobodys listening, dance like nobodys watching and dream like nobody can stop you' the quote read once he got to the living room his eyes trailed off the phone and saw some one on the couch. hayes. hayes. hayes. hayes. felt his moms presences leave and then he heard the door slam he looked at hayes and said nothing "i know you dont want to see me aaron but-" aaron stopped listening and just watched hayes' lips move "with out you felt like i couldnt breath" "what?" aaron asked "it felt like you were my lungs or like i was drowning but i could see everyone else swimming and breathing carelessly, like im just a god damn machine and you were my fucking mechanic and you just stopped working on me and i stopped working" hayes explained "oh i-" aaron started but was cut off "and that fucking quote 'if you love 'em loet 'em go if they come back there yours' no fuck that quote because i fucking feel something for you i wont let you go because i will fucking lose you 'cause you can find someone better then me but arron i will never ever find anyone better then you because your so close to perfect its not even fucking funny. it fuckin hurt so much knowing that your didnt wanna be my friend" aaron finally looked at hayes, he was standing now, aaron walked over slowly not daring to over step boundaries, well i guess he already did "can- can i kiss you?" aaron stuttered out, it was weird aaron almost never stutters. hayes just nodded wrapping his arms around aarons neck as aaron awkwardly leaned down -since hayes was like 2 inches shorter then him- and slowly connected there lips and i swear you could fucking see the fireworks from mars "you gotta stop swearing" aaron spoke against hayes lips, hayes pulled away "come back to LA with me" he whispered pulling the tickets out of his pocket showing aaron "ok" aaron giggled they pulled back some more, but aaron kept his arms on hayes waist well hayes shoved the tickets into his back pocket wrapping his arms back around aarons neck. "is that my sweater" aaron said looking at hayes' chest "maybe" hayes whispered pulling hayes down for another short kiss

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