t w e l v e

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t w e l v e

this is my skin that I've never fit in


I'm twelve when she awakens. Like a fairytale princess, she shakes loose her long, tumbling locks as she rises from a deep slumber. She draws my gaze like a prom queen: Everything that everyone ever wanted to be or befriend.

She exists only on the periphery, hearing what I hear, knowing what I know—that I am an other. I am different. Imperfect. Her opposite.

She is captivating in her elegance. She is the tiniest drop of water on a hot, still day. The mirage of an oasis in the desert. A teasing glimpse of what could be, that leaves me wanting more.

But all I can do is watch her, and by the time I think to reach out, she fades away.

I'm twelve when I see an angel.

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