strawberry pink

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the convenience store jihoon and his friends visited was nice and quiet, the soft breeze making the door chimes twinkle lightly. jihoon loved places like these; places where he could be calm and enjoy himself. he took his sweet time deciding on a drink, making his friend jisoo call out for him. "hoon, hurry up. wonwoo's waiting for us outside." quickly, the smaller male reached in the fridge and grabbed a bottle of strawberry milk as jisoo walked out the door. the cashier by the counter; his name tag reading jeonghan, rung up jihoon's items as he spoke.

"your friend over there seems pretty cute. mind introducing me one of these days?"

jihoon chuckled lightly, "sure. he's a handful though, so i don't know why you'd want to meet him." jeonghan only smiled gently and handed jihoon his drink, taking the money. "have a nice day!" he waved as the younger headed to the door. too engrossed in trying to open his drink, jihoon didn't notice the group of males heading inside. the person at the head of the group was too busy looking back at someone and laughing that he bumped into jihoon and spilled the milk all over his white shirt and the floor.

this shirt was new too.. jihoon pouted.

"oh my god i'm so sorry!" the person who bumped into jihoon had light blue hair and the prettiest eyes jihoon had ever seen. he confirmed that he had never seen such hauntingly beautiful eyes and swore that he could easily get lost in this man's gaze for hours.

calm down jihoon, your inner gay is showing.

"i wasn't looking where i was going, my bad! i'll get you a new drink!" the man scurried off the the refrigerator area of the store and looked back at jihoon. "what kind of drink was it?" "uhh, strawberry milk." "yah! soonyoung, you better clean up that spill. i don't want my boss to get mad at me for something i didn't do," jeonghan frowned. "yes hyung."

soonyoung.. so that's his name.

one of soonyoung's friends moved closer to jihoon and bowed politely. "i'm sorry for my hyung," he spoke with an accent. chinese? the smaller wasn't sure. "ah, it's okay. he didn't mean to do it." a taller male wrapped his arm around the foreign-like boy and grinned. "soonyoung-hyung is really clumsy. it's the second time he's bumped into someone today. by the way, i'm kim mingyu, this is xu minghao."

why is this tree introducing himself to me? i doubt we're ever going to see each other again. whatever, i guess i'll have to be polite.

"i'm lee jihoon," he bowed. "nice to meet you."

suddenly, soonyoung appeared by his side and handed him his drink along with a sticky note. "i'm really sorry about that. here's my number, you can text me regarding about your shirt. i'll get you a new one if you'd like." jihoon was pretty stunned. he was being so nice to him. sure, he was pretty upset about his new shirt being ruined but he never expected this stranger to straight up offer his number. jihoon accepted it and thanked him, walking out the door. he could faintly hear jeonghan scolding soonyoung about how he should look where he was going and whatnot.

"i saw what happened, is your shirt okay?" jisoo asked, as jihoon made his way out into the warm summer atmosphere. "does it look okay?" jihoon retorted. "can i go home and change? we can go to the mall after." wonwoo laughed. "we all know you're going to end up being too lazy to go out with us afterwards. just use my hoodie to cover it, we'll worry about it later." the taller male took off his black hoodie and handed it to jihoon. sighing, he put it on. of course, it was very loose on him. wonwoo tended to get the bigger size since he was very insistent on having sweater paws. jisoo chuckled, "you look so cute in that." jihoon hit his arm. "fuck you, i am not cute."

that soonyoung guy was cute though. an asshole for spilling my drink and ruining my shirt, but cute nonetheless.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2018 ⏰

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