Chapter 5: The Auction

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Narrators POV:
Nathan and Sam are on the outskirts of the mansion that the auction is going to take place. Nathan is looking over the map of the building as Sam is resting against a rock looking through Binoculars waiting for Sky's and Sully's signal.
"any sign of them." says Nathan, folding up the map.
"no just a bunch of high class, low life criminals all cleaned up for prom. And no sign of Sullivan yet." says Sam.

"there's plenty of time." replies Nate.
"looks like the storage room, is the building behind the Manor. You see it up there."
"just the very top of it. Ooh I wonder what they got tucked away in there." asks Sam, out loud.
"let's focus on Avery's cross,huh." says Nathan.
"I don't know. Are you sure you don't want to pick up something nice for your wife. " Sam teases.
"that's cute. Let's keep it simple. Besides I don't see you picking up something nice for Sky." Says Nathan.

"and what's that suppose to mean?" asks Sam, moving the Binoculars away from his eyes.
"oh come on, Sam you've had a thing for her for years. It's obvious that you still do." says Nate, looking up at his older brother.
"fine, I might still have a thing for her but that doesn't mean she does and it isn't obvious. Anyway can we focus here Nathan." says Sam becoming flustered.

"what every you say grumpy pants." says Nate putting his hands up in defence.
"anyway, this thing would be a whole lot simpler if it was just us three. We would be inside already. " says Sam, walking up to Nate.
"Not cleanly." points out Nathan.
He sits down on the grass and starts to tying his laces.
"have you thought of a back up plan if Sullivan gets cold feet." says Sam.
"No because he won't." Nathan tells Sam.

" or if he got caught." Points out Sam.
"Sam, he knows the people running the auction besides Sky would have told us if things have went south." says Nate.
"What if he stole the cross for himself." says Sam in a frantic, walking in front of his younger brother.
"not in a million years." say Nathan, looking up from his laces.
"Victor Sullivan. The same Victor we're talking about."
"yes he has double crossed people but not us. He wouldn't do that especially to Sky." says Nathan.
"I don't know what makes him so special in her eyes." mumbles Sam.
"Can you hide your jealousy for a second. Those two have been close since we met if you remember. She's trusts him and so do I. You should to." says Nathan, standing up.

"fine. Fine." says Sam accepting his defeat.
"he'll come through eventually." says Nathan, grading the Binoculars off of his older brother.
"but, I mean, you have to consider the possibility -"
"there." Says Nate handing the Binoculars to Sam after interrupting him.
A light on the second floor starts to flash, alerting the two brothers to come to Sully and Sky.
"see. Trust." Says Nathan, smugly.
Sam removes the Binoculars to look at his little brother once again.
"just try to keep you tux clean." says the eldest Drake zipping up Nathan's jacket.

Mean while on the second floor of the Manor Skyler finishes alerting the brothers as Sully is sitting in a red fabric arm chair and lighting a cigar.
"Now that you've done your job you can tell me why the hell you haven't told Nathan or Sam yet." Says Sully, sternly.
Sky sighs as she sits on the arm of Sully's chair.
"you know me Sully I always act stronger than I need to be around those two. I've hated being that little girl that always needs someone's protection." She says, looking down at her brown ankle boots.

Sully sighs as he puffs out a cloud of smoke.
"I know kid but you can't keep this a secret. No matter how much you care about Sam or finding the treasure. You really think you can help without them knowing?" Questions Sully.
"I don't care about the treasure or the money I never have and if they knew you really think they would let me do half the things I do. Jeez when you found out you changed our plans just so it wouldn't be to much walking." She says.

"that's the point Sky we want to help you, you mean so much to us. We just want to protect you." Says Victor kindly.
"that's the point Victor I don't need protecting anymore. I get why you guys want to and I care about you guys so much but I don't need protecting forever." Sky tells him.
Victor smiles softly as you could hear the conversation from outside between the two boys.
" you alright? " asks Nathan.

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