07: Great to Really Bad

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"I know! My phone has unlimited storage, Tony can keep adding more. But it's not like I even need all that. I'm barely on my phone anyway." Albany replied to Marshall's previous statement. The couple sat in Marshall's Red Honda Civic, parked in a Portillo's parking lot. They had already ate, but still had so much to say to each other. So, the two munched on fries and told stories. Well, mainly Albany told stories.

"That's awesome. Maybe he can hook something up for me." Marshall spoke, taking a fry out of the bag. "I can't believe you are hanging out with the Avengers. Does every intern get to do that?"

Albany thought for a moment, she didn't exactly know. A guess would have to do. "No, not really. I think we just made a connection after I was found, but Clint told me they would visit less often to let me focus on my work. Interns mainly see Stark, he runs it all." She lied. "It seems some good did come out of this accident." Albany shrugged.

"It feels like weeks since I've seen you."

"I think years." Albany laughed. "I'm sorry I don't call you more-" She was cut off.

"No-- it's fine. You were literally hanging out with the Avengers. Earth's Mightiest Heroes! I would be a bit preoccupied too." He chuckled, assuring her guilty face. He was always so genuinely kind, it blew her mind.

Albany giggled. "More like passed out on the floor from excitement. I can see why you like them, they're pretty great people."

"And they kick ass."

"That too."

Albany ran her hands through her hair. Seeing Marshall relieved so much stress, but also made her feel awful for lying right to his face. Usually, he could catch when she tried to lie. It wouldn't be too long before he starts to get suspicious. The longer Albany stayed, the more fishy things would get. Even currently he wasn't all convinced. The fact that his best friend was living with the Avengers left his mind a bit distracted. No progress was being made with the orphanage investigation or her hypothesized powers.

Marshall then asked a dreaded question. "How much longer will you stay, Winny? I've got a surprise for you back at home."

Albany tried her hardest not to break in to tears, and to keep her voice steady. "You know how I feel about surprises." She sniffled while letting out a light chuckle. "I'm not gonna lie, I'm having the time of my life."

Albany watched his unreadable expression and continued. "But I'll return the moment Stark gives me the clear. I promise you."

Marshall watched his best friend, his full on sister, speak to him. He knew she was struggling to hold back any sort of sadness, but he also knew that she was speaking the truth. This truth that stood brighter than any other of her answers. If there was anything he knew about Albany, is that she would carry a promise to her grave.

"Then that surprise will be waiting."


After simply talking about whatever came to mind, Albany had completely forgotten about the last few days with the Avengers. She was with Marshall, and that was all she needed. The girl felt safer in his arms than anyone else's on the planet. The friends had ended up driving around the city until almost two in the morning, either chatting or sitting in a relaxing silence. It was a new concept to them to even be separated for a handful of days. They easily had made the best of the moments they currently had together. Eventually Albany and Marshall had ended up behind the Avengers Tower, not wanting to leave each other. So they compromised on five more minutes together, simply looking at the stars. 

Albany sat on the hood of the red car, while Marshall pulled a folding chair out of the trunk and sat beside her. The end of 2014 was approaching, in which New York streets got colder than usual. Without removing her gaze from the night sky, Albany shifted her arms across each other against the harsh breeze.

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