Part 4

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Later in the morning, we are all standing in front of the transport supposed to lead Anakin and Padmé to their destination. I hug them both goodbyes and Obi Wan take the time to give his last advices to his apprentice.

As we wave them goodbye I can feel how tense Obi Wan really was.

"Relax everything is going to be fine" I try to reassure him gently.

"I know, I just hope they're not going to do something stupid" he sighs shaking his head.


"Why are we here again?" I ask Obi Wan standing next to me in the empty room. We were standing in what seems like a training room in the middle of the Jedi temple.

"Well, we are obviously going to work together.... So... I need to know what you are really capable of. That's why we're here. I'm going to test your battle skills." He tells me with a smirk.

I roll my eyes holding my sword out and taking my fight stance. He silently does the same. I have to admit that he looks pretty hot with his predatory eyes on me. Unfortunately for me, he takes advantage of my little distraction and strikes his blade right towards me. I barely manage to block his attack with his lightsabre only inches apart from my face.

"Is something already distracting you?" He asks in a smooth voice.

I just narrow my eyes at him in response and start fighting back. This is the beginning of probably the hardest battle I ever fight. It turns out that we are both very skilled in swords fighting.

We were striking, kicking, warding and fighting for what seems like hours. Every possible attack was blocked on each side as our swords were crashing against each other over and over again. I'm getting more and more exhausted every second as I can't use the Force to regenerate like a Jedi but I can't just stop fighting either. After ten more minutes, my aching body finally gets the best of me.

In one ultimate swing of his blade, he sends my sword flying to the other end of the room, leaving me unarmed. He swiftly kicks my knees, causing me to fall on my back with him lowering over me, his lightsabre stretched towards me. We are both breathing hard from exhaustion. He gets down on his knees to look me right in the eyes before saying "I think I won this part little one". He has a proud smile on his face and his hair is tusled, making him look even more handsome.

My heart is racing and I can feel my cheeks reddening again. I hope he's going to take this as a consequence of our hard battle. Our faces are so close, that we are literally breathing the same air. Our eyes are locked together and I see his face coming slowly closer to mine as I look into his bright blue eyes. He continues leaning closer, and I start thinking that he's going to kiss me, as our lips are only inches apart. My eyes are slowly closing in anticipation to finally feel his perfect lips on mine.

Sadly, what was supposed to be my perfect moment is ruined as we both here small noises behind the door of the training room. Obi Wan's head pops up and I see his alarmed look at the compromising position we are currently in. He tries to stand up as quick as he can but I don't let him any chance as I take advantage of his distraction. In a graceful swing of my body I switch our stances, which ended with me lowering over him while stealing the lightsabre from his hand in the process. He looks at me in utter shock as I start laughing proudly. I lean closer to his face so I can whisper in his ear "I think I'm the one who just won this battle, Master Kenobi." I send a final wink his way before standing up, extending my hand towards him. He grabs it before starting to chuckle. I's really going to be my favourite sound in the world. He smiles gently at me and it feels like butterflies are flying in my stomach as he holds my hand just a little longer than necessary.

We were both already leading to the door as the other Jedis finally entered the room. Just as I'm about to leave, Obi Wan asks me to join him the next morning to check on a friend who could have more information about the poisoned dart.


We meet at the Jedi temple the next day as planned before leading to his friend's dinner. That's how I met an imposing alien with 4 arms. After hugging Obi Wan like an old friend, he tells us some precious information about the poisoned dart. Apparently, this type of weapon is used by a population living on a system known as Kamino. They are cloners. Neither Obi Wan nor me ever heard of this system before, but this information was definitely the key leading to the assassin. We are a huge step closer to find the truth about the hole conspiracy.

Practically running out of the dinner, Obi Wan takes my hand in order to lead me through the crowded street, making my heart flutter. When we finally reach the speeder, our hands are still laced together.

"I think we need to go to the Jedi archives first in order to find the right coordinates of Kamino." "It makes sense as I heard the resources there are almost unlimited. Let's see if the legend meets the truth" I say jokingly winking at him.

After a quick smirk,he finally let go of my hand and I immediately miss the warm feeling, as I follow him into the speeder.     

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