Unit One

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"When grey eyes met with blue ones,
time frozen with a click,
and love finally found its affectionate den"

The dim light illuminated from the bulb hanging with the help of metal string attached to the right side of ceiling while moonlight fell upon the painting placed properly on easel. Even the lustrous light of moon peeking through steel bars of window did no justice to his radiative beauty.

Her wrinkled orange shirt seemed to be a part of canvas as the spots of variety colors were found on it. Seated on a stool, her bottom was glued to the top of ottoman as her body refused to move away from it even though the weather reached to a little high temperatute while her red painted hands forgot to rest as the work they were assigned to was yet to be accomplished.

Time ticked tracklessly as several hours became several days then several months but her limps stayed still on that footstool.

Her baggy blue eyes never loosened their shimmering shine despite the noticeable traces on her face of sleepless nights she had spent by.

On the other hand , he stood  smiling faintly at her. His seemingly fine jawline and pink tinted lips were far away from surpassing the most beautiful features of his face - his glowing grey eyes. His whole frame resembled to an angel nevertheless.

His almond shaped eyes were brimming with aloof love that he had for the blond women working so hard in front of her.

Finally after a period of six months , was she not only able to finish her painting but also reviving the memories of domestic jolly days.

She clasped her fingers together before stretching them above her head, accidently pulling her shirt up a little and the newfangled scars peeped through the cotton cloth.

" Haven't I known, if you would look so gorgeous, I would have fall in love with you again, my love "

She groaned in pain while crawling towards her cold bed. A yawn escaped from her mouth and her eyelids became heavier with each moment before she lastly embraced the darkness.

His Grey Eyes (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now