Chapter Five

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Chapter 5

Ruby's P.O.V

In the end, it was Liam who got the bullet out.

His telekinesis meant that it came out without any need for prodding and poking around in her leg, which was for the better, I don't think I could have dealt with anymore exposed flesh. Sure, it bled like crazy for a while but Chubs patched her up and she was safe.

Still unconscious, but safe, curled up and tucked under a blanket in what we managed to fashion into a makeshift bed.

Chubs looked drained, Zu a little traumatised but Liam, Liam just looked relieved.

"You're going to need to tell us who she is," Chubs said although this time he didn't sound angered, he sounded genuinely curious.

"Elise Barnett," he said bluntly.

"After we just saved her ass we're going to need a bit more than that," Chubs said. "Liam?"

Liam was looking everywhere except at us, nervous and raking his hand through his hair. I walked beside him and squeezed his shoulder reassuringly because his face seemed to sink further and further with guilt.

This was not a Liam I was familiar with.

"It's okay," I said and his eyes locked onto mine "Did you meet her with the League, that's what we just rescued her from right?"

"No." he said "Well I mean yes, we did rescue her from the League but I knew her before. As in The Before. She was my best friend."

His face crumpled in on itself.

"Did they separate you two?" I asked, keeping my voice as soft and gentle as I could, clearly something was troubling.

"No." Liam said, and before I could ask what had happened then, he answered it for me.

"I don't want to talk about it,"

And that was the end of that.

"She's pretty," Zu whispered after a while.

We'd decided to call it a night and keep Black Betty parked where it was. Chubs was sleeping, I was talking to Zu and Liam was staring at the steering wheel not making a sound  in the front.

"She is," I agreed smiling, ruffling her hair and watching Zu's eyes light up "And brave."

It was true, I looked over to the unconcious girl in front of me in awe. She'd managed to escape from hundreds of guards, League agents, sniffer dogs, whatever they could've thrown at her. And she did it all on her own, which was more than what I could've managed.

I don't know whether it was that or the fact that Liam trusted her, but I decided right then to like Elise.

"She's funny too."

That time it was Liam, who'd finally moved and was leaned over behind us.

"And smart. And talkative, and kind, and loyal, horrific at dancing " he added, a faint smile on his lips "And sweet."

He crouched down beside Zu and pinched her nose, making her giggle.

"She sounds lovely," I said. I blinked at him and smiled encouraging, hoping I'd get more information about exactly who she was, so I could piece together the puzzle that was Elise. How they met, what was important to her, her favourite colour, anything.

"Yeah well, its been four years. She's probably a complete stranger to me now."

Zu got up and excused herself, climbing to snuggle up to a snoring Chubs, clearly sensing the tense atmosphere.

It was just us for a while, staring at Elise.

And then it hit me.

"She died," I said, realising what had happened for the first time. Her heart had stopped right in front of us "She actually died "

"Yeah. She did." Liam said, getting closer to Elise. He sounded exhausted "And you brought her back."

"Oh no, oh no really Liam, I just did what anybody would do. They used to make us practice CPR when I wa-" I was rambling but he cut me off, his voice quiet and soft.


"I mean if Elise is important to you then she's important to me because at then end of the da-"

"Ruby," he repeated and this time I listened "Thank you,"

"Sit with her," I said to him eventually , standing on my toes to kiss his cheek "I'm going to be in the front with the others, you should talk to her. Even if she can't listen"

 I walked away and pretended to sleep, nestling under Zu's arm. I waited until I heard Liam's footsteps stop and I heard him sit down, before I poked my head up discreetly to see.

I never should have.

Because it was then that I witnessed Liam Stewart completely and utterly fall apart.

What Have You Done? - The Darkest Minds FanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora