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AN: hai guyzzz this is my first stowy so pwease be nice :3, fangz vewy mch for reding. Also I will add any fanart u guyz draw into the story so plz send it in!! Luvs ya! 



So i was walking around honokomaruma when i saw this cute boy with yellow hair walking around. He has medium length yellow hair. He was 6 foot 3. From my guess he looked about 13 years old. He had a bag with the album cover for Riot! On it. He was wearing black ripped jeans, and a cute orange jumpsuit. I just loved his style. I also saw this lame ass girl walking with him. Looked like a medic or something. She had pink hair. Kinda short i guess.. She wore a STUPID red dress and looked like an ugli hoe. She also had black gloves, pink hair with a purple bow in it and blue tights. Her tights were all ripped and her dress was so short you could see her butt. What a fucking slut ass hoe. I bet she's stoopid as well. She seemed way too preppy to me.

This morning i decided to wear my black hoodie, my black jeans and my MCR beanie (my chemical romance for all you preps)..

I decided to walk up to them to speak to them,

"Hey there" I screamed

"Whats up dude" the guy with yellow hair whispered,

"OMG! Haiii! Ur so cute!" said the slut.

"Ew I hate pink. It's too happy-lookings" I hissed, barring my vampire fangs.

I then ripped her tights off, making her run away.

I stared into the blond guy's eyes, unblinking. He stared back with his icy blue eyes and grinned at me.

"Lets sex yes" i said, sexily.

"Omg yes i love you"

We then went to the kids park, where he took my shirt of, then my girls panties i wore that day. I acitivated my sharingan to get a better look at his pee pee (sorry my mom checks this account). It was MASSIVE, like 2cms long! I then used my super secret ninja seduction power that makes me look like a girl, and sexed him with my feminine pee pee. I came inside the head of his pee pee, and he liked it. All of a sudden, my dead dad turned and dragged me back home, telling me off.

My dad then told me he was sending me to the local school (BORING!) and i sadly accepted.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2018 ⏰

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