Chapter sixteen

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Trevor brutally splashes yellow paint on the canvas and I almost flinch.

Since yesterday, everything has been off, including Trevor. I woke up, I was taller by two inches. The robber was outside of the house, and the case was deemed an 'accident' because of the way the robber 'fell' on his knife. Trevor thought I was dead by the blood on the floor, but even the doctors that came by this morning oddly said that I was fine, they all said everything was fine.

Doctors, policemen.

I frown and dip my brush in paint, forming a green slash across the person I created.. Trevor was finally watching me paint with emotion, but I was painting a woman crouching in a forest, vines and branches clinging to her as she tries to run away in fear. Mom and Devon walked into my room and just stared.

"I'm going to guess that your situation with Dislen and Jacob hasn't been getting any better." She comments and I sigh.

"You're a lawyer, mom, not a phycologist." I remind her in monotone, dipping my paintbrush again and adding nore detail, making the vines look better.

"I must say, you're work is remarkable." Devon exclaims, but I ignore him.

"Hon, you haven't been the same since yesterday." Mom remarks.

"Breaking and entering, and stabbed. Where were you guys while I was screaming?" I snap, suddenly adding drips of blood running down a thorny vine clutching the girls leg.

"Taking a walk. We didn't know anything was happening." She defends and my shoulders lose their sharpness.

"I know you didn't." I mumble, making the blood darker.

"We didn't even stop in the house before we went on the walk." Mom continues.

"I get it. This couldn't have been stopped by you. I understand this now. I'm just...I'm just a little touchy right now." I exclaim

"Yeah. Your father, a new man in the family, friend problems, robberies. I'll back off." Mom lists, putting her hands up in surrender as she examines the painting more. She probably thought I was crazy, or depressed.

I didn't even know.

She puts a hand onto the side of my face and frowns.

"You look pale, are you feeling okay? Just stressed?" She asks and Devon leaves the room.

"Yeah, stressed." I lie. I actually wasn't very stressed, other than the fact that I was now pale and taller!?

Slenderman's blood? Is starting to turn me into Slenderman? Or just side effects if it?

I'll have to ask him later.

Mom leaves the room and Trevor looks at my painting, frowning and looking back at his own.

"Sorry, I've had a lot of practice." I giggle when his poor excuse of a tree doesn't even have a chance to compare to my scene, even as morbid as it is.

I clear my throat and look over the finished product, taking it down to dry in the kitchen. When I walk in, I almost drop the painting in shock.

Slenderman was talking to my mom, and she was smiling. So, right now he was Dislen...

Please don't say anything about the 'fight.' Please!

I force a smile and walk over, mom lighting up when she sees me.

"Hey! Look who came over to make sure you were okay!" She exclaims, gesturing to him. I wasn't sure where to look on him, actual height, or the height mom was looking at.

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