Chapter seventeen

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By the time I get back home, Slenderman and I reached a new height in our relationship. We walked the course of his game trails, climbed the scary tree, and he taught me the route of the linoleum bathrooms, which didn't freak me out as much when Slenderman was there holding my hand. I got to feel like a kid again, let all my household worries float away with the wind to participate in the activities I loved as a child.

I step into the house with a smile, mom appearing from the living room and standing at the top of the stairs. Slenderman brought me back five minutes before midnight, so she shouldn't be worried.

"He's very punctual. Tell me everything." She orders.

"Uh, he took me to Perkins." I lie, heading up the stsirs.

"You know for a fact that more than just food happened. Explain how you are back so late at night, I want to talk boys!" She exclaims, shushing herself with a glance around the house.

"Is Devon here?" I ask.

"He's asleep, but pretend It's just you and me tonight. Which makes this perfect time to have some girl talk." She informs, sitting on the couch and patting the spot next to her. I sigh and walk over, sitting in that spot.

"Okay, so tell me everything, food, money, personality, natural hair color..."

"What do you mean natural hair color?" I ask, still not sure what he looked like to them.

"Hon, you can't expect that blonde to be natural." She explains.

"Oh, it is. You better believe it." I play.

"Really? What about the rest?"

"Well, he took me to Perkins and we ordered breakfast..."

"What kind?"

"Strawberry. The kind they only make in the summer. I ordered french toast, and he paid since I didn't bring money."

"Such a gentleman." She comments.

"Mom, I didn't bring money." I remind her.

"Fine. What about his personality?" She asks.

"He's...he's been alone for most of his life, so I guess you could say he's quiet, slightly reserved at some points, but kind and gentle. He also has a temper when people try to hurt me." I explain.

"Aw! Those are the best kinds!" Mom cries.

"Whatever. I'm tired." I excuse myself and stand up.

"Aw, I didn't get to hear about his family yet! You can't go." She whines and I ignore her, waving behind me as I go to my bedroom.

The paints were cleaned up like I asked, and the brushes back where they belong. I put my time into taking the easels apart to slide under my bed, geting a good look at my painting.

I shake my head and slide it under the bed with the easels, changing my clothes. It was really hot in my room, so I put on a red sports bra and black pajama shorts, hopefully cool enough, but I still open my window.

Slenderman appears and I jump for a second, but I'm starting to get used to that now. He stands next to the window as I crawl into bed, draping the covers over my feet only.

"Are you going to watch me while I sleep?" I ask him and he tilts his head.

"I do every night." He replies.

Oh, that's not creepy.

I smile in rememberance of a few hours ago, bit my smile fades when I hear something.

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