Chapter 1

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Looking at my self in the mirror I was disgusted by what I saw. Bruises covering by body. My fat body. Tears rolled down my cheeks as I touched my bottom lip instantly wincing. As it started to bleed again. Sticking into my mouth I licked the blood trying to make the bleeding stop.

I was startled when I heard banging on the bathroom door followed by the voice that was the root to my nightmares.

"I don't hear the water running you stupid slut. And think twice about using hot water or taking more than 6 minutes!" He yelled through the door. I heard his footsteps gradually leaving.

Taking painful steps towards the shower I turned the cold knob, starting the icy water. As I stepped inside the shower I shivered. I quickly washed my body running a hand over my bald head as an involuntary tear rolled down my cheek. Finishing up I dry myself, putting on under garments and changing into a huge shirt and old sweats. I go into my room get under the covers and think about how I got to this point.

It all started when my father killed himself having a history with depression. My mother thought it was her fault so she drank constantly, this being when I was 8 years old. Things with her never got physical with me only verbal. Then one day she came through the door with John, her boyfriend. After a year of relationship he was friendly, and protected me when things with my mom got bad.

They got married. And after about half a year, my mother and John got into an accident, they were both drunk. My mother was driving and she was the only one that died. My sole custody went to John since he was my step father and I had no outside family, that being my mother was a runaway.

Then that's when it started, I was 12 therefore starting puberty, I was an early bloomer. My body was changing and so was my attitude. All the while John was noticing. One day he came home drunk out of his mind. He came into my room as I pretended I was asleep. He touched me inappropriately telling me how much I was turning into a woman. And how I looked like my mother. Then I "woke up" when he was taking off his clothes. He was about to rape me when I hit in the balls running into the bathroom and locking the door. I hid in the bath tub as he banged on the door eventually breaking it down, finding my great hiding spot and beating me up until I fell unconscious. The next day I woke up still in the bath tub taking in my beaten up body crying silently.

Later in the night he brought over his friends, drunk friends. They dragged me by my hair to the living room and cut all of my hair off. And me being still a young girl loved my hair. I felt a void in my heart because I had the same color hair as my dad's. Granted it would grow back but it didn't change what I felt.

That's how it was for the next 3 years of my life. I never got to experience long hair during those years as every time it would grow he would just cut it off again. I dread coming to the house because he would find any reason to beat me. I always wear an oversized hoodie and worn jeans to school to hide my fat body that was decorated with bruises.

School is my refuge, my only friends being books and my best friend Ryan.

Ryan is gay and I'm the only one that knows that. He likes keeping it that way not wanting to give kids another reason to get bullied. We hang out in the library all the time away from bullies. He knows what I go through at home and I know what he goes through at home too. We're not that different.

We both agreed that we have to leave before we end up worse. Running away is the only answer now. Maybe the same thing was happening to my mom, and leaving was her only option.

A life without pain, without him.

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