Chapter 2

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After a night full of nightmares I wake up to cold ass water being poured in my face. I jump up with enough time to see John walk out of my room with an empty pot slamming the door behind him. As usual he found any inconvenience to ruin my day.

I get up wash my face and brush my teeth. Going back into my room I put on my usual hoodie and jeans. I put on my backpack, grab my phone and ear phones while pulling the hoodie over my head quietly make my way down the stairs. I'm tempted to grab an apple from the kitchen but I know better. Ill grab something at school.

I make my way to school walking as usual. Today is the day. We both agreed we'd go to New York, being a big city with lots of people they'd never find us, plus it's not like they'd try. We had enough money for the trip their by working our asses off at different low paying jobs. Too deep in thought I didn't notice I made it to school or Ryan approaching me.

"Rox you in their?" I heard him say as he waved his right hand in front of my face.

"Yea, just thinking about tonight" I said truthfully.

"I know I'm happy to leave but afraid they'll find us" he said nervously.

"I doubt they'll care, but in the rare senario they do, they'll never find us in a city with thousands of people"

"You're still on, right? You're not backing out" He asked.

"Yea of course there's no reason I'd back out on a better life. We have the money right, all we got to do is use it wisely" I said as we walked into our first period class.

"Oh by the way, I got our bus tickets" he said, pulling out a bus ticket handing it to me before continuing, "Got the cheapest ones there was to NYC." I nodded, patting him on the back whispering 'smart' before putting my ticket into my back pack as class started.


As we walked out of school I felt nervous with each passing minute. Ryan noticed and grabbing my shoulders making me look at him.

"You need to calm down Roxy because if you get nervous I'll get nervous even more, ok?" He said.

"Yea but what if he finds me? What if we don't even make it out of Washington? What if I forget to pack the money or my bus ticket? What if we don't have enough money? Or what if he knows I'm running away and locks me up in the basement and tortures me, like to death? Or-" Before I can continue rambling he pulls me to a hug speaking.

"None of that will happen, you just need to stop freaking out" I hug him back. "And if it does we'll find a way out together"

I nodded. As we parted ways to get to our houses.


As get into the house walk into the kitchen making a quick meal for John so he doesn't come up to my room bothering me.

Finishing up I pick up my backpack and make my way to my room. Taking the few clothes I own I put them into a duffle bag. I grabbed every thing I would possibly need, including the money and bus ticket, and put them into the backpack I was also taking. After I was finished, I shove both bags under my bed and couldn't help but feel I was missing something.

Ignoring it, I take out one of the three books I checked out today and read it. Yes I know I shouldn't steal the books but I loved them and I didn't want to spend unnecessary money on them when I could just get them from the library and just not return them since I would be on the other side  of the country. I read waiting for the text that would change me life completely.

As I was reading I fell asleep. I knew John wouldn't come into my room as he would bring another woman into my mother's old bed.


I was woken up by my phone ringing with the alert of a new message.

I unlocked my phone looking at the text I fell asleep waiting for.

New Message
It's time
Received at 11:53 PM
Read at 11:54

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