Chapter 3

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Getting up I heard the faint sound of moaning and a headboard hitting the wall. Ewww.

Quickly I grabbed both bags from under my bed, and walked towards the window. Unlocking the window I pull it up throwing one bag after the other into the bush under my window. I was about to jump down when I remembered what I had forgotten to pack. I quietly climb back it, walk in my closet and pull out a shoe box that had special pictures, small gifts from my parents, and my fathers letter he left me when he committed suicide.

I haven't read it, I haven't even opened it I just shoved it in here when it was given to me. Tears sprang my eyes because I felt like I had let him down by not reading it. Recovering quickly I started walking towards the window when I was hit by an idea.

Quickly walking to my desk I took out a pen and paper. Scribbling a message to John so he could read it when he came into my room the next morning thinking I already left to school:

Thursday 23, 20XX


I won't come home tonight. I have to go to my friends Sofia's house to study for a test I have tomorrow. I'll come home until Friday after school.


The note would give me enough time to get a lot of distance between us. Yes I may have lied about Sofia being my friend, she was the exact opposite actually being my bully. But that lie would help me a lot as John would wait for me to get home to beat me up. He wouldn't think anything suspicious was going on.

Anyway I wasted a lot of time I have to go.

Climbing out the window, I jumped down with the box to my chest. I opened the duffle bag making room for the box, then placed it safely inside zipping the bag back up.

Putting on the backpack and hooking the duffle bag on my right shoulder I went back yard, grabbed my old bike, riding it to Ryan and I's meet up spot.


Arriving to the McDonald's in front of the bus station I saw Ryan sitting on a table waiting for me. I got off the bike leaving it on the rack thing they have for the bikes. I open the door getting inside and walk towards Ryan.

Once I got to him I say oddly happy, "You ready to go or you having second thoughts" receiving a surprised look from Ryan. Then being squeezed by his broad figure.

"Thank Jeezus, I thought you changed your mind or that he got you" he said, squeezing me harder.

"Air, need air" I wheezed out patting his sides. He quickly let go of me as I took in a big breath of air filling my lungs.

"The bus leaves at 2:30, and it's..." He looked at the clock, "1:57 right now so let's go to the bathroom or anything we gotta do before the trip, ok."

"Ok, cause I need to pee the atlantic ocean" Ryan chucked and I all but ran to the bathroom.

After we finished with our duties it was 2:15. Walking out of the bathroom at the same time Ryan did I walked to him.

"We should go now, before all the good seats are taken" I told him. He nodded in approval.

Walking across the street we walked into the bus station office. We gave the old lady our bus tickets.

"Aren't you kids a little to young to travel all by yourselves" she said. No offense but what a nosey old lady.

"We're 16" I replied.

"I didn't ask for your age, dear"

"And I didn't ask for your concern" Ok full offense now, what a nosey old fucking lady.

"Hahaha she didn't mean that" Ryan chuckled nervously, grabbing my shoulders from behind to calm me down, "Our parents know, if that's what you mean."

"Yes, well have a great trip" The old lady smiled sweetly at him then glared at me. The bitch glared at me I thought old people were supposed to be nice. I rolled my eyes, walked away grabbing Ryan and dragging him from the lady that had managed to get on my nerves from the little time I'd met her.

Climbing onto the bus with Ryan behind me we gave the bus driver the other half of our tickets. Looking around the bus it looked halfway full.

"I call window seat" Ryan whispered into my ear.

"But I want the widow seat"

"Nope I called it first"

"Ok how about this, you can have the window seat for the first part of the way then we trade and I can have it the rest of the way" I tried to compromised.

"Deal" he said, extending his right hand. I shook it and we fixed our luggage in the respective areas then took a seat preparing for the adventure of our lives.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2020 ⏰

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