Chapter 10 | YG

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Okay... So this is going no where.

You were sat in a recording room with another stressed Unnie and Oppa.

You were thinking hard on what to do while your Unnie sat on a chair thinking hard and  the Oppa just sat in front of you cross legged. You had a piece of paper and your laptop to your side, a bunch of English, Korean even Chinese was written down but mostly scribbled out.

The male was about to say something but kept the words in. You sighed and leaned against the wall

"I really can't think of anything..." you were drained from thinking, your brain cells giving up on you

"I don't know what to suggest if I'm honest." The girl in front of you replied just as helpless as you were

The three of you have sat here for the past hour and a half, brainstorming ideas for a song. It happened again, last minute... you shouldn't really be surprised by how the company is very keen on last minute decisions, but still they got you.

The same lady who 'invited' you into the girl group no.2 came to you yesterday. Saying you should come along with the boys on a field trip to YG. Field trip meaning you observe others but may or may not have to do a presentation as well. You wanted to slam your head against the wall, seriously a field trip... Shouldn't it just be for observations.

You didn't want to ask any of the boys for help since they were busy with the battle. So... what about Jimin? She was cool and wanted to help you out since she was free until the next ASC recording. Funny enough, her co-MC joined in having nothing to do. After some roasting and asking who's better, it came down to silence.

"How about 'I Wait'?" Jae wiggles his eyebrows hoping his fellow hubae would perform his band's song

"Yeah... but you suggested that song earlier on Oppa and it didn't go quite well for me." you trailed

"At least she has respect, she calls me Oppa."  He held a hand in front of you and sparking off  the 97 liner again while you just kept thinking about song names and humming

"I'd like to do a Korean song but English is my comfort zone..." you looked at Jimin who was now searching on your laptop

"You should do something that showcases a range of notes and something out of the box." Jimin suggested, you just hummed in response

"Do you guys want a drink? I'll go down to the cafe to get some." You stood up adjusting your jeans

"Iced americano please" both replied in harmony which they looked at each other when said

"Sure." You laughed at their unison and went out of the recording room

"Your lies are bullets,
your mouth's the gun
No war and anger,
was ever won
Put out the fire before igniting
Next time you're  fighting." You hummed the lyrics to a song that came to your mind on the spot

Kill them with kindness? Or what about Wolves?

"I've been running through the jungle
I've been running with the wolves
To get to you, to get to you
I've been down the darkest alleys
Saw the dark side of the moon
To get to you, to get to you
I've looked for love in every stranger
Took too much to ease the anger
All for you, yeah, all for you"

"I've been running through the jungle
I've been crying with the wolves
To get to you, to get to you (oh to get to you)" suddenly a voice behind you continued the lyrics, harmonising as well

You turned to see big eyes and a bright smiling beaming your way

"Somi!" You got excited seeing your favourite goofy friend

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