The Garrison Trio

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They were known as the three musketeers at their high school, Garrison High. They were thick as thieves, like some special invisible magnet had pulled them together when they first started school. Lance McClain, Hunk Garret and Pidge Gunderson - or Katie Holt to her family. The trio were drawn together by their shared love of video games and would often play MMOGs every other day. Strangely enough, Pidge was a couple of years younger than Lance and Hunk, though her intellect had meant that she could skip two years. Because of this, the girl would often get picked on but had the two boys to protect her - not that they were too much help; Lance's bark was bigger than his bite, and Hunk was just a big softy. However, she appreciated the thought.

"Guys!" The shorter and younger 'musketeer' called to her only friends, "Matt bought me the Mercury GameFlux! You know, the new game console that came out a few days ago?" Pidge continued enthusiastically.

"Really? No way! How did he get a hold of it?" Hunk asked excitedly, sharing a wide grin with the girl.

"Wait, wait, wait, Matt? You mean your dorky older brother?" Lance chipped in, with a bit of an unamused tone. The taller boy had never met Matthew Holt, though had heard many tales from Pidge. For example, he had once watched the same episode Bill Nye the Science Guy just to memorise his script. Or that time where he tried to flirt with someone but ended up going on a tangent about astrophysics.

Pidge merely rolled her eyes and sighed, "Yep. That's the one."

"Hey, could we play it later? Maybe after school today?" Hunk offered still glowing from her exciting announcement.

The girl smiled, "Yeah, sounds good! Though, my family will be home, if that bothers you."

Hunk shook his head, "Of course that won't bother me, your parents are great! They make amazing risotto..." he said dreamily, before turning to his other friend, "Lance, are you gonna come too?"

The Cuban shrugged, "Sure, why not? I'll get Allura to cover my shift."

Lance had been working at a coffee shop, named 'Altea', that was a ten minute walk from the school for a few months now. He was hired due to his confident demeanour and ability to talk to people with ease, which allowed him to happily talk to customers, and possibly persuade them to come again. It definitely helped the business. The young brunette was always good at talking to new people, even sometimes flirting with a joking undertone. It added to his charm as a person, he would sometimes consider himself 'popular' which in a way made people back off from Pidge as they knew that the two were friends.

"So it's settled? We walk back to mine, grab some snacks and plug in this bad boy?" Pidge reiterated so she was sure on the plan, to which Lance and Hunk both nodded in agreement. The three then made the plan to meet after school so they could enjoy the new console.

The last bell of the day rang through the hall and packed classrooms, which very quickly became deserted. The corridors were soon flooded with tons of students desperately trying to escape the building for the weekend. Lance and Hunk left their biology class and met up with Pidge by the school's entrance (or in this case, exit).

"Hurry up, you Grandpas." She called as they approached.

"It's not our fault you're small and agile, you gremlin." Lance teased back. They excitedly chatted as they walked to the newsagent just around the corner from the Holt residence.

They were greeted by the eccentric, Australian shop owner, "Well, hello, there my favourite small children!"

Lance laughed, "While Pidge may be small, Hunk and I are 18 years of age." He placed his hands on his hips triumphantly. They browsed the aisles and picked out bags of chips and candy they deemed appropriate for the occasion. Once they had an acceptable amount of various snacks, they brought the handfuls up to the till. The man smiled at them, waving goodbye as the three swiftly exited the building.

[705 Words]

Thank you for reading! We're not expecting this to get as much recognition, because Latte is a smaller ship, but we are proud of what we've written. Stay tuned for more <3

-Salty (SaltyCatPerson ) and Hitch

I Like You a Latte (Lance x Matt)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ