Flirting in Shakespeare

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After Lance's embarrassing evening with Matthew Holt, he was glad to be at work. The smell of coffee, tea and various confectionary treats that 'Altea' offered filled the room, brightening the young man's mood a little. As he waited behind the till at 9 o'clock for more customers to come rolling in, he looked around the familiar room that was filled with quiet chattering amongst the small, round, wooden tables. His gaze then looked out the huge glass windows that decorated the entrance, enabling him to wistfully watch the passers by. Soon enough, he heard the delicate tinkle of the bell, signalling that someone had just stepped inside. As usual, Lance put on his charming smile, and served the young, blonde lady who had decided to spend her morning in the coffee shop.

This was his favourite part about the job; focussing on perfecting the customers order, and thinking only about that. This is especially useful when he had something to forget about, even just for a little bit. Like, a large project, an important test or, I don't know, when he tries to flirt with his friend's brother and ends up on the floor, for example.

After a few customers, the business became a little slower, less bursts of people would wander through the door. This gave the Cuban an opportunity to quickly speak to his favourite coworker, Allura. He and the young woman, with gorgeous, white hair, had gotten along quite quickly; though she didn't really appreciate Lance's constant flirting when they first became friends. The Cuban did eventually stop, realising that she was the owner of Altea's daughter so he could've gotten fired.

He walked up to her once there was no queue, giving her his usual friendly grin. The woman turned to look at Lance, her eyes softening a little, "Lance! Hi, I haven't spoken to you all day. How are you?" She asked, pulling him in for a friendly hug, Lance quickly hugging back with a childlike chuckle.

"I've been.. alright.. could be better.." he answered honestly, gently pulling away to look down at the shorter female.

"What? What happened?" His friend then asked with a frown subtly growing on her face.

The Cuban let out a frustrated sigh, a small blush appearing on his face as he folded his arms, "well.. last night I went to my friend's- Pidge's house.. and she has a really.. really hot brother.." he stated, emphasising the 'really's.

"Why is that.. a bad thing?" Allura queried, furrowing her eyebrows in confusion, she would love to meet a hot guy every now and then, who wouldn't?

"I made a complete idiot of myself in front of him! I used a pickup line and then slipped! He called me weird!" Lance whined, causing the white haired young woman to 'aww' and immediately comforted him.

After that, the bell rung once more, cutting his conversation with Allura short. Lance sighed once more before putting on his customer face and returned to his cheerful, charming self.

Sometimes, when he was at work, Hunk would drop by to support his friend at the café. He was such a frequent customer that most of the workers knew his name. That day, Saturday, was one of the days he would come in. Lance had been counting down to 11:30 so he could see his beloved friend, and elevate some of the boredom.

When, 11:30 finally rolled around, he was watching the door like a hawk. He only peeled his eyes away when Allura called him to make an espresso. Moments later, however, he heard the door jingle and finished up.
The tan-skinned boy turned around and called out for his friend, "Huuu-" despite what he thought, he wasn't greeted but his old friend, but by a very attractive (and very Pidge-like) face, "...iiii. Hi there... you..." he tried to save himself, but instead opted to clear his throat.

"Hi. I'll have just a black coffee please. No sugar." Matt ordered, and paid, before waiting on his phone.

The tall boy began to make the coffee on a machine beside his white haired coworker, "Holy shit, Allura, that's the guy I was talking about!"

"Who, him?" She nodded in his direction, Lance confirmed, blushing face in his hands, "oooh, he's kind of cute! If he's straight, send him my way."

"This is serious! Do you think he'll recognise me?" He whined.

"Well, no time to ponder about that now, you've got a very hot customer to serve!"

"Black coffee for Matt?" The brunette timidly announced, after crossing the brewing station to the counter.

"Thanks." That was it, Matt took the coffee and went on his way.

...Or so Lance had hoped. Instead, Matt peered at the barista for a second or two before speaking, "Do we know each other? You look familiar."

"Nope, don't think so." He tried to keep his composure and professionalism.

"Yeah, we've definitely met." His brown eyes were piercing into his, recognition trying to break through, but it seemed more accusatory to him.

"Don't remember, sorry, didn't happen."

"You're Katie's friend!" He finally expressed, "You were flirting with me! You went full on," He grabbed Lance's hand like he was about to propose and put the other to his heart, "'Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?' On my ass!" He recited with his eyes shut. When his eyes opened again he saw the face of a very flustered, very red Lance McClain.

A few seconds of awkward tension passed before Matt cleared his
throat, his eyebrows slowly and subtly furrowing in confusion. "Right, well.. I- uh.. better get going, I have.. somewhere to be.. thank you for the coffee.." he then muttered, swiftly leaving the shop, the small bell on top of the door gently tinkling to signal his exit.

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