Matthew Holt Appears!

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After an unnecessary 3 minute walk back to Pidge's humble abode; the three impatiently entered the house and instantly headed to the shorter one's room, after Hunk quickly said a cheerful hello to Colleen - Pidge's mother.

As the trio hopped up the stairs and clambered into Katie Holt's messy yet cosy bedroom, the girl turned to Hunk and tutted jokingly, "I swear my mom prefers you to me.. and I'm her daughter!" She pointed out sarcastically.

"Yeah, wow, I'm so sorry that I'm just that loveable.." the boy responded with, the same level of sarcasm hit back in her direction. The three dropped their bags down by the door and swiftly made their way over to the bed, crossing their legs once they sat. Pidge booted up the much anticipated console, handing over a couple of controllers for the other two. This was it, the 'three musketeers' set up an account on the console and soon started up a new game. They were hyped, thrilled for what the contents were to offer them in the way of enjoyment.

Hours had passed, it was growing a little darker outside, the bags of snacks were practically empty and Lance, Hunk and Pidge were still playing the new RPG that Matt had bought along with the console. The light radiating off of the screen and onto the three faces, that were quite concentrated, soon flashed to a bright red as the words 'GAME OVER' were displayed. An eruption of, 'ugh!' escaped the mouths of the two boys and the girl.

A few moments later, footsteps could be heard making their way to Pidge's room, "Hey Katie, could you and your friends quiet down a bit? I'm.. trying to sleep.." the disorientated voice of a guy, possibly a couple of years older than Lance and Hunk, spoke. This caused the three heads to turn so they were looking at the entrance to her room.

Lance's eyes widened as he was greeted with a tall, mousy brown haired male - who just so happened to only be wearing joggers. Was this Matt? The Matthew Holt? The 'dorky', older brother of Pidge? Suddenly, the lanky Cuban scrambled to his feet, leaning his elbow against a wheeled office chair and giving the boy in the doorway his trademark smirk.

"So you're the famous Matthew Holt that I've heard so much about? The name's Lance, and there's two things that I like, boys and coffee. And together, we can make latte.." he spoke in a smooth and flirtatious tone, somehow able to make a ship name for the two on the spot. Just then, he put too much pressure onto the chair which caused it to swivel around. Lance lost his balance, proceeding to fall to the floor in a chaotic manner.

Slowly, Matt squinted at Lance, and looked back up to Pidge, "Katie, your friends are weird." and left drowsily.

Lance groaned and rested his head against the frame of the chair, "I just embarrassed myself in front of a hot guy!"

"First of all, ew, that's my brother, second of all, yeah, you did."

Hunk chimed in, "It's not as bad as you think! It's late, he's clearly tired, he probably won't even remember you in the morning. Chin up, buddy."

"Late?" He lifted his head up and looked at the clock, "oh, shit, it's eleven o'clock, I've got work in the morning!" He got up, grabbed his bag said a quick goodbye and ran all the way home.

Lance soon go home, instantly greeted with his mamá yelling at him in Spanish; she was saying things like how worried she was and how irresponsible he was. The boy apologised profusely and then ran up to the bathroom to brush his teeth. He groaned and cursed at himself internally for how he acted in front of Matt. Pidge's brother wasn't what Lance had expected, he thought that he was going to be shorter and more- well, unattractive. His image was a lot different to how Katie had described him, which obviously surprised the Cuban. The boy shuffled into his bedroom, quickly getting changed into more comfortable clothing so he could get some rest for work the next day.

[705 Words]

I Like You a Latte (Lance x Matt)Where stories live. Discover now