Chapter 43

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I walked past the bathroom and then a room with a guy, not Luke, sleeping. Probably his roommate. I walked to the last room and slowly opened the door. I saw Luke with messy hair and my favorite T-shirt on him. He looked so comfy I wanted to just hug him. But I have to find out what the hell is going on.

I walked over to him and knelt down by his bed. I gently shook him and he started to open his eyes.


He turned over on his side and eventually saw who I was. He basically jumped up and his eyes got wide. Well, he's fully dressed so that's good.

"Kasey! Oh my gosh, what're you doing here?!" He asked fully sitting up.

"I came to visit, and thought we could go home together for Christmas break." I said.

"But then I ran into um that girl at the door...she was pretty much naked." I said.

"Oh yeah, Carter's girlfriend. She's a slut." He whispered the slut part.

I felt a huge wave a relief come over me. Thank God. I knew I could trust him.

"Carter is my roommate by the way. He actually plays the guitar and we've been doing shows at bars together for a while now." He said.

"Wow, that's great! I'm happy for you!" I said.

"Well, let's pack up and we can head home baby girl!" He smiled.

He grabbed my face and kissed me really good. I missed his kiss, the feel of his skin on mine, and just everything about him.

We made out for a good ten minutes then I had to be the one to pull away because Luke had to get ready and pack a bag.

Luke got some clothes and headed to the bathroom. He turned the shower on and walked back to his room and stood in front of me. He grabbed my hands and smiled.

"What?" I laughed.

"Shower with me." He said.

"No I took one this morning!" I smiled.

He jokingly rolled his eyes. "Well you wouldn't necessarily be showering, but whatever."

"Go shower!" I said pushing him into the bathroom.

I got out a bag and started throwing some of his clothes in it just to make this go by a little faster.

While he was still in the shower I very carefully opened the door and quietly walked in. I grabbed his clothes and snuck back out. Ha.

I went through Twitter on my phone and waited for Luke to get done. I thought Luke was coming in the room, but it was this guy. Probably his roommate.

"Hey Lu- uhh you're not Luke." He said.

"No I am not." I said smiling.

"Well uh who are you? You look really familiar.." He said trying to figure out who I was.

"I'm Kasey. Luke's girlfriend." I said.

"Yes! That's it! He's showed me so many pictures of you and told me all about you. I'm Michael Carter, but everyone calls me Carter." He said.

"Well it's nice to meet you Carter!" I said.

All of a sudden we heard Luke yell my name.

"Uh're in trouble" Carter said smirking. He walked out and Luke walked in with just his towel around his waist.

"Kasey Jordenne where are my clothes?" He asked smirking.

I tried to keep from laughing, but it was so difficult. He walked over to me and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"I mean, I could go like this all day buuut" he said.

I leaned up and cut him off by kissing him.

"They're on the bed, now hurry your ass up!" I said giggling.

He smirked. I slowly stuck my fingers in the back of his towel and pulled it away from him. He jumped and his face turned red, but he couldn't stop laughing.

"I'll get you for that darlin."

Soon after that, we left. I had to take my truck and he took his. Just a couple hours later we pulled in the drive of Luke's old house. LeClaire immediately ran out of the house and greeted us with warm hugs.

It was December, so it wasn't exactly warm outside. Luke was wearing sweatpants, tennis shoes, and a GSU hoodie. I had on a Georgia State Hoodie, black sweatpants, and tennis shoes. We walked in the house and put our stuff in Luke's old room. So many memories here.

"Hey, so you know when you saw Carter's girlfriend like half naked and stuff...did you think I was cheating on you?" He asked nervously.

"Well...I mean, I didn't even know you had a roommate so when I saw her like that and she told me you were 'in bed' I didn't know.." I trailed off.

He just nodded. I hope he understands that.


We've been back in Leesburg visiting back and forth between Luke's family and my family. Today's Christmas. We woke up at Luke's house and spent time with his family and then went to my house and had Christmas with my family. Luke and I have to get back to college in two days. I'm going to miss him so much. I don't have off until Spring Break.

I walked into Luke's old bedroom after brushing my teeth to see him laying on the bed in a white T-shirt and a red basketball shorts.

I shut the door behind me and curled up next to him.

"Hey beautiful" he said leaving a kiss on my forehead.

"Hey" I said.

It was quiet for a while until he spoke up.

"I know you're sad about having to leave again...well, I am too. But just remember we'll be together for spring break."

I smiled and tugged a little at his shirt.

"I'm sorry we can't make love this time. You know we would be all night long if we weren't in your parent's house." I giggled.

Luke laughed.

"Spring break." We both laughed.

After our laughs died down my thoughts trailed somewhere else, somewhere deeper.

"Do you ever think about what life would be like if we weren't together?" I asked.

His facial expression was shocked at first them he eased up.

"One time I did. And I hated the five seconds that I thought of it. It was painful and miserable." He said.

"What about you?" He looked down at me, twirling a piece of my hair.

"My roommate always tells me to break up with you, so I catch a glimpse of us not being together every time she mentions it." I said, a frown appearing on my face.

"What? Why does she tell you to do that?" He seemed concerned. More than he should be.

"Well, because..because I kinda cry over you a lot.." I hesitantly said.

"Darlin." He said in a very low voice.

"I don't want you to be sad and cry! I want you to smile and be happy. If you ever get sad just call me! Call me whenever you want! Call me, call me, call me!" He added a smile at the end.

"What if you're busy?" I ask.

"I'm never so busy that I can't answer your call. It's a drop everything kinda thing, you know?"

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