Unexpected calls.

203 4 7

Rebecca POV

Josh and I were laughing on our way back from the beach. Someone's football landed near us so I picked it up and threw it back. Except I threw a little to hard and they went backward and fell back into the water.

We were still laughing in the elevator, "but I don't get where you learned to throw like that!" Josh said as we stepped onto the third floor.

I laughed, "my dad taught me to throw a spiral when I was 8. Ever since my sister and I have been throwing the football around." I explained as we walked in.

Josh went over to the kitchen to grab cokes while I went to the living room and checked my phone.

"You never told me about your sisters. Were you not very close?" he asked as he put our pops down.

I shook my head, "I was close with Megan and Beth. Not really Fiona or Jess tho. They were the oldest ones, so they moved out just after I turned 17. before that they were always out with friends."

He nodded, "which one. Uh-"

"Has the kid?" he nodded, "Jess. She moved right after she had Graham. He's about 4 now, since I'm almost 21." I said still going thru the texts I had gotten from the guys. I also had a missed call but I assumed it was one of them.

"Have you seen her since she left?" he asked. He knew she lived in St. John now.

I nodded, "she comes to town for work sometimes. Last time was just before we met actually. She was here a month or two before the boys came down. I got to watch Graham while she went to whistler for the weekend for a conference."

He smiled, "you and a four year old. I can see the disaster now."

I laughed, "yeah no. He's more the kid who shuts up and watches tv. He will literally do that all day it's awesome!"

He laughed, "definitely related to you then." I smacked his arm. He's right tho. If there's something good on I shut up and get completely taken with it. "When was the last time you heard from her?" he asked, still laughing at his previous comment.

I shrugged, "about a month ago. That day you and camm were arguing about which Star Wars movie was the best." I checked my missed call, "or I guess I missed a call from her while we were at the beach." I said questioningly. We usually just text each other. So this was weird.

I listened to my voicemail. "Hey Becs. I have a huge favour to ask! I have to go to another conference this time in Victoria. I was wondering if you could watch G for me? it's only for 2 days, 1 night. I know you said you moved out of mom and dad's so if you aren't in to position to take him anymore it's fine. Just let me know, thanks!"

I sighed and threw my phone onto the couch. "What's wrong?" Josh asked me.

I sighed again, "Jess is going to the island for a conference and is wondering if I can watch Graham for her." I said rubbing my temple, "I'll call her and tell her I can't." And grabbed my phone.

I was almost at her contact when Josh spoke up, "what can't you?" I looked at him and gestured to himself and the apartment. He laughed, "I think we can handle a kid for what, 3-4 days?" he asked.

I shook my head, "only 2. He'll be dropped off in the morning and picked up the next night."

He smiled, "even better. Even easier. You can do it, if you want to."

"Josh. You hate kids. They're loud and annoying and they break things."

"So do you and I keep you around." He looked at me.

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