October 28th 2017

220 6 5

Jack woke up, as per usual, although things were quiet.. "Mabye an off day..?" Jack said as he saw a steak of blood trailed into his room, leading him to the living room. Anti was waiting for him.. Chase, Marvin, Schneeplestein, and Jackaboy Man, all sitting there.. in blood. stab wounds.. He looked at Anti feeling a sense of betrayal as Anti giggled, Glitching out.

Jack nearly started to cry when all of them yelled "BOO" and made Jack fall backward "AH JESUS FUCKIN-" they began to laugh as Jack got up "I fuckin hate all of you" He said as they wiped off the fake blood.

"Now if all of you are done toying with my feelings.. I have an idea.." Jack started as the Egos starred at him "A.. A new Ego..?" EveryEgo groned "Not vike its alveady crowed in vere" (A/N im not good with Schneeples accent XD) "Comon! A new Ego! it will be fun!" He said as the they thought about it, then they gave in "Ok so what i think he should be like is.. remember those old timey movies? The ones that there is no talking and just the title card thingys?" They nodded in agreement "And what shall be his name?" Jackaboy asked. "Someing along the lines of 'JJ'.." Jack said "Ooo like.. Jerome.. Jay? Oh oh!! Jamie Jake!" Chase began spiting out ideas "Jameson Jackson!" Marvin spoke up "I.. I like that!" Jack said "And.. ya know.. when will he become.." Anti asked. Jack starred at Anti, preparing for the impact "October.. 31st?" He said "WHAT?? THATS MY DAY!" Anti yelled wich began makeing him glitch out "Yeah well something different for Halloween?" Jack replied to Anti "And only one video on Holloween dosent make it 'Your Day'" Chase said. Anti mutterd "Whatever"..

And this.. this is where the story starts..


(Would yall believe me if i said that i was tempted to but "28 STAB WOUNDS" Would you? XD)

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