Jealous Type

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Harry's P.O.V

I was always the jealous type.And now my streak continues.I COULDN'T TAKE IT!ALL THEIR ATTENTION HAS BEEN TOWARDS NIALL!IM SICK OF IT!

Right now they were all downstairs cuddling Niall and watching Pitch Perfect.They didn't even notice I wasn't down there.I guess they don't care about me anymore.

I crept down the stairs and checked to see what they were doing.Liam saw me first.

"What do you want?"He snarled his voice full of annoyance.

"I-I just came to s-see what you guys were d-doing."i stuttered out.

"Well now that you saw you can leave now."He spat back.

I ran back up the stairs with tears streaming down my face,i guess no one wants me here.

I packed a bag with clothes,money,an all the essentials I needed.

I wrote a note then jumped out of the window and sprinted down the street.


As Pitch Perfect ended we were all ready to go to bed.

"Alright everybody,off to bed."I commanded.

"But Louis!"Niall whined."No whining you were dozing off during the movie so go to bed."I told him more stricter this time.

He made a whining noise and trudged up the stairs me following close behind.I gave him a harsh slap to his bum and he yelped and jumped.

"What was that for?!"He asked me.

"I said no whining.Now stop it right now."I explained sternly.

"I'm sorry Lou."He apologized looking down."its alright Ni I forgive you."i told him lifting his head up and giving him a kiss on his forehead.

As we entered his room I tucked him and and gave him a kiss on his cheek."Good night Ni.Love you."

I looked back and he wAs already passed out asleep.I chuckled as I made my way towards Harry's room to check on him.

I passed Liam carrying a sleeping Zayn in his arms on their way to Liam's room.They always sleep in each other's rooms.

"Good night Liam.Love you see ya in the morning."i told him as I gave him a kiss on him cheek and Zayns forehead.

"Good night Louis,Love you too."

As I entered Harry's room I was shocked.

He wasn't in there.

I checked everywhere.He still wasn't in here.

I then saw a note and read it tears ran down my face like a waterfall.


A few seconds later Liam burst through the door."What's going on?!"Liam yelled.

"Harry's not in here an he left this note!"I yelled at him.

He took the note and read it.

"By the time you red this I'll be gone.Im running away.You guys seen to not care about me.You guys only love Niall and Amber.I hope you guys have fun without me.You guys will go far without me.I love you guys and will miss you.You guys won't miss me so don't worry about me.Love Harry."He finished tears running down his face also.

"What's going on guys?"We looked over and saw a sleepy looking Zayn and Niall standing there.

"Guys Harry r-ran away."I stuttered out.

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