Chapter 24

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A week has passed and Ivan was still being held by us. We have had mini battles with the demons and luckily there have been no causalities from our side but, I couldn't say the same for them. It was getting closer to the end of school year and I couldn't wait. I wanted a break from the homework and stress from school. Right now I was doing work from both classes at our desk in our room. Amanda was out with Alexis and everyone was having a lazy day at Chris's house. I sighed and took my headphones off. I stretched in my seat and leaned back. I ran a hand through my hair and grabbed my water bottle that was at the edge of the desk. And drank the rest of it. I then said to myself "Come on Ariana you are almost there." I grabbed my headphones, put them back on and got back to work. About an hour or so later I had finally finished all my work. I saved everything and closed my computer and grabbed my phone going to lay on my bed. I unlocked my phone and subconsciously went to Ivan's and I's messages. I scrolled through our messages and smiled. They were so cute and my favorite parts were when we were talk about cheesy jokes. I read a couple and chuckled back at our weirdness. After reading some more I locked my phone because I was tearing up. I went under my blankets and stared at the ceiling. I want to let him go. But my heart doesn't allow me to forget him. It hurts my heart but my love for him is breaking it.

I reached for the light and turned it off closing my eyes not wanting to think about it anymore. Rolling over on my left side I was slowly starting to fall asleep. I woke up when I heard a bang and a somewhat loud, "Fuck" come from the front of the room. I rolled over onto my back and propped myself on my elbows. Raising my left hand lighting a flame I threw it up on the ceiling and it lit up the room in a blue tint. I saw Amanda rubbing her side next to the desk. I rasped out, "Amanda what are you doing?" Amanda looked up and said, "Sorry Ari I didn't mean to wake you up. Go back to sleep." I closed my eyes again seeing that it was going to be easy falling back asleep and rolled back onto my side. I made a swiping motion with my finger and then the fire disappeared and the room went dark again. After a couple of minutes there was a weight coming from behind me. Amanda was basically spooning me from behind. I grabbed her hand that was over my stomach and intertwined our fingers. I quickly fell back asleep after that.

The next day I woke up still cuddled with Amanda. I let go of her hand and I sat up. I ran a hand through my hair and stretched. I then started climbing out of my bed and went to the bathroom. When I was done I brushed my hair and teeth and went out to change. I was feeling a lazy day so I put on a oversized sweater and some capri sweats. Then Sabrina said through our minds Are you coming to training? I grabbed my phone and answered with a quick yes. Quickly leaving a note I set it on the night stand next our beds and put my blanket on Amanda and then opened my flame. I walked through and saw a packed warehouse of people training. Going to the punching bag I started my training staying longer then everyone else. The only one who was still training with me was Camila. I told her she could of left but she insisted on staying with me. So I was doing some weightlifting and Camila was working on defensive stands. I finished lifting weights and went to Camila so we could spar. After another hour Camila and I were laying on the floor looking at the ceiling. There were holes in different areas of the ceiling, so that's what I focused on. I then asked Camila "Why did you stay with me?" I turned my head to look at her. She shrugged and looked at me "I didn't want you to be alone." I nodded and then felt a burning feeling on my arm. I lifted my arm and saw that the symbol that I put on Amanda on her forearm was glowing on mine.

I sat up and touched the symbol. I felt hurt and alone for a second. I knew at that moment I needed to find her. I got up and said "Hey I got to go, something is wrong with Amanda." Camila sat up and nodded. I held out my hand so I could help her up. She grabbed it and I pulled her up. I asked her "Where are you going to go?" She said "Probably back to the house." I nodded and opened a flame for myself. I quickly hugged her and said my goodbyes. Thinking about where I thought she would be I walked through my flame. I saw Amanda sitting on top of the table on top of the hill looking out to the view. I walked over to her and sat down next to her on the table. I noticed she was circling the symbol on her arm and it was glowing. "Hey" I quietly said to her. Amanda looked at me and had a sad smile on her face. I saw the hurt in her eyes but a wall in front of it. I opened my arms for a hug and she immediately hugged me and started crying. It hurt me seeing her cry. Amanda doesn't deserve any pain that the world throws at her.

I rubbed her back while I held her. She had a death grip on my shirt as if I was going to leave her. I held her tighter and stopped rubbing her back. "Hey you are okay. You can fight this you always win your battles." Amanda wasn't crying so hard but she was still crying. After she stopped crying I asked her what was wrong. She just mumbled "A really bad day that completely messed me up." I nodded my head slowly. I understood were she was coming from. Sometimes you just get really depressed for no specific reason. I ran a hand through her hair so it wasn't in her face anymore. In total we had probably been there for 4 hours. Then Amanda pulled away and said "You smell bad." I playfully pushed her and said "Wow rude it's not my fault I came here right after I was done training. I didn't get the chance to shower or eat." Amanda chuckled and pushed me back. "So can we go back to the dorm room so I could shower?" She looked at me and nodded her head. I got off the table and held my hand out "Good now lets go home."

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