Chapter 27

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My right arm was completely asleep when I woke up. Camila was still asleep when I looked up at her. I hadn't moved seeing that my head was still on her shoulder. I got up decided to cook breakfast for everyone in the house. I made hash browns, pancakes, sausage, and eggs. Once the food was almost done I heard doors opening and closing. I smiled and thought they probably smell the food. I then thought about Amanda I want her to eat too. So I quickly opened and flame and walked into my dorm room. I saw that she was getting dressed. I cleared my throat and she physically jumped. She held her heart and looked at me "Ari you scared me. Where were you yesterday you never came back." I held my hand out and she quickly put on her jeans. She took my hand and walked through the flame with me. I explained "I went to the house to try and cure my boredom and went to Camila's room. I ended up falling asleep cuddling Camila and then went to make breakfast." I pointed at the kitchen and saw people already getting food.  I smiled and pushed her towards the food.  "Now go and enjoy the food."  She smiled and grabbed a plate following everyone else. 

I counted everyone except for Camila and Sabrina.  "Spoke too soon" I said to myself while I saw Sabrina come downstairs with a sleepy Camila.  I hugged Sabrina and then she went to get food.  I held Camila by the shoulders and chuckled.  "You awake there Cami?" I smile and she rubbed her eyes.  She looked up at me and smiled "No not really.  You are really comfortable."  I laughed and guided her to the food and said "That's exactly was Amanda first said to me."  We both then joined the line to get food.  Once everyone was done they all thanked me and I waved to them.  I had to leave to get to my first class so Amanda walked over to me and we both walked through my flame.  I grabbed my bag and held the door knob "Hey what are going to do today?"  She shrugged and said "Just Netflix I might go to Alexis's later."  I nodded and then left the room with a quick "See you later."

I jogged to class and sat in my usual seat.  Alexis then looked at me and said "Hey Ari.  Ready for today?"  I nodded my head and smiled at him.  Before I had the chance to say anything back the teacher walked in starting the class.  It was the last 2 minutes of class and Alexis and I were just hanging out while other people were finishing their work.  Alexis and I were talking about when we both went for lunch and Ivan showed up outside next to us.  I smiled at the memory and then my smile dropped.  Alexis quickly apologized when he realized that my emotions dropped quickly.  He changed the subject and we talked until the bell rang.  Once the bell rang I walked back to the dorm room to grab my camera.  When I unlocked the door Amanda was on her bed watching something on my laptop.  I chuckled and grabbed my camera off the desk.  "Enjoying that?"  Amanda looked up and closed the laptop.

She shrugged and said "Not really I ran out of things to watch.  I was literately watching stuff to watch when you are bored."  We both started laughing and I dropped my bag.  I put my camera around my neck and grabbed my bag again.  I then asked her "So what are you going to do now?"  She smiled and said "I am going to head over to Alexis's dorm room."  I nodded my head and walked to the door.  "Want to walk then?"  She nodded and put on shoes and grabbed her phone and keys.  Once we were out in the hallway I randomly remembered when we were freshmen in college Amanda ran into the door at the front of our building.  I started bursting out laughing and Amanda looked at me confused.  She smiled and asked "What's so funny?"  In the middle of me laughing I wheezed out "Y-you running into the f-front d-door freshmen y-year."  Her eyed widened and then she covered her face with her hands feeling embarrassed.  She shook her head and said "Why did you have to bring that up."  I wiped my tears and said "Aww come on, it was funny.  Probably my favorite memory."  I smiled at her and saw that I needed to turn.

"Alright well I have to turn here so I'll see you later."  I opened my arms for a hug and she buried her face into my neck and wrapped her arms around my waist.  I squeezed her a little and said "Okay I need to leave or I'll be late to class."  She then let go and I started walking away.  I said "I'll see you later yeah?  We can have take-out later."  She nodded and I waved and turned around jogging to my class so I wouldn't be late.  I sat down in class and the bell had just rung.  Angelica laughed at me and said "Ariana you are really good at cutting it close."  I chuckled and dramatically flipped my hair and looked at her with a serious look "I am the best there is."  We both started laughing and the teacher stared at us telling us to silently shut up.  Angelica and I covered our mouths with our hands trying to stop laughing.  She continued with the lesson and the rest of the period Angelica and I messed around.  After the bell rang and I stepped through the door I was pulled forcefully.  I was just about yell at them until I realized it was Sabrina with a worried look on her face.  I gave her a concerned look and asked "Sabrina what's wrong?"  She held my shoulders and said "Ari Amanda was taken."  My eyes widened and Sabrina showed me a picture of her unconscious and tied to a chair.

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