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I was his assistant.
They say you shouldn't have a romantic relationship with a coworker but I couldn't help but jump into this position when Mr.Stark was hiring. I get good money, I can't complain. Honestly there really isn't much to complain about. I keep track of his work and I remind him if he might forget something trivial. I get him what he asks me to retrieve him and I make his coffee when he needs it. Sometimes he brings me to places like a party but that's just when he hasn't had time to go out and snatch some girl's heart along with her coochie for a night. Which isn't that often I'll tell you that.

But Hey, I'm just being real. I don't know what he does with them but I think with how much of a playboy he is, it's pretty obvious. I would hate him if it weren't for seeing behind the closed doors. He's a player but he's not all bad.

He's calling me.
"Yes sir."

"Can you go out and buy me some snacks? I think I'm going to take a break for the rest of the day. You can too." He rubbed his face in his hands and then ran his hands through his hair as if he was wiping the stress off of him.

"Are you sure, sir? You have a lot to do, your list says-"
"I don't need a reminder right now, remember? We're on a break. I just said it like moment ago." He said with with a dazzling smile.
I stared at him with a dull face.
"What do you want from the store? Anything in particular?"
"Nope!" He passed me and started walking out of his office/work room. I watched him as he passed.

I walked out towards the large front door.
"I'll be back Mr. Stark!" I called as I walked out of the house.

Howard hired me a year ago, I was really into being Howard Stark's assistant. I mean, he's Howard Stark! Not to mention my insane crush on him. Actually I think I'm in love with him... it was merely a crush when I applied for the job but as I saw him everyday for a year, I saw something in him. I saw behind the curtains of that show he always put on in front of the press. But he had this spark. This energy. The energy to create and expand upon his amazing thoughts that came out of his beautiful mind. He had this spark that could make anything sound magical, he reminded me much of Walt Disney, with his big ideas and whimsical futuristic mind. I love Howard...I really do.

I decided I would by pastries from the bakery. You can't go wrong with cake....I think.after the purchase I made my way back to the house. It's actually more like a mansion it's ginormous.

Gratefully, I live right nextdoor to Howard. He has a guest bedroom where I sometimes stay if it's a night where I work late or he just wants me to be there with him because he doesn't wanna be alone but I usually stay in my house... more like Howard's because all that money the goes into that house is from my job, aka Howard Starks money. But nevertheless it is my house. The worst thing about being neighbors with Howard Stark is seeing him walk into his house with a brand spanking new lady all the time (no pun intended).
I rang the doorbell with my elbow because my arms were full of bakery treats. Howard opened the door and allowed me to come in and put the food down.
"So why did you make me buy desserts for?" I asked putting my hands on my pencil skirt wrapped hips.
"We're going to relax for once, darling." He smiled. I noticed he wasn't wearing his usual work clothes anymore. He changed into something more luxurious and laid back. Basically, really expensive pajamas.

"But I don- I'll go change at home if you want me to?"
I asked pointing a thumb in the direction of the door.
"Sure, go ahead, my dear." He said as he opened the door for me.

This is going to be one interesting

Sorry, Its like 1 something in the morning I'm getting tired maybe I'll make a part 2 if y'all rlly want it but sodikd I'm sCHLEEP
Goodnight everyone ☀️

Cherry Lipstick & Lollipops|| 40s Howard Stark ImaginesDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora