Dating Howard Stark

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Dating Howard Stark Would Include:

-deep passionate kisses when he wants to show you he loves you
-he bites your lip when you pull away
-hands intertwined
-he kisses your hands a lot like a gentleman would uwu
-when you dance with him he holds you to him like he wants to melt into you
-night drives
-slow dancing to frank sinatra
-"the way you look tonight" is the song he tries to swoon you with when dancing or just cuddling with him
-he shows his softer side with you instead of that rich playboy persona he wears out and about
-expensive dining when you go out
-romantic sight seeing like sitting at a beach and popping grapes and fruit into each others mouths
-loving each other to no end
-would do anything for each other
-lots of teasing
-power couple

Hey guys, let me know if you like this book!
-Rayne 💙

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