Lingerie Shopping with Howard

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When you go shopping with Howard it's very calming but when it comes to lingerie shopping the atmosphere changes quickly

•He doesn't feel like he belongs so he feels weird being there yet he masks it up with his million dollar confidence.
•He'd yee you up and down when you look at a piece of clothing like a bra and tell you how sexy it would look on you.
•"That would define your body so nicely, darling."
•He'd beg you to buy certain lingerie items and he loves explain what he'd do to you in them.
•He couldn't keep his hands off of you once you took a good look at an item you had in mind.
•He'd reminds you that he loves you over and over.
•"Howard, stop being so touchy..." you'd blush, yet he wouldn't stop for anything.
•"When am I going to see you in that?"
"When I decide to wear it."
•Let's just say lingerie shopping just gets him excited.
•He'd spoil you with letting you get anything you want with however much it costs. If it meant seeing you look that good for him, he was proud to be able to spend his money for you. His princess.

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