Chapter 3 Does He Love me back?

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"N-Nani!? America" Japan's Face began to blush deepy. Had he just heard what he thought he heard? First America admitted love to him, then used his first name..

"I love you Kiku...I love you so much.." America said, clenching Japan's hand tighter in his own. Japan's eyes widened even furthur. 'He said my name..again...' Japan looked down, blushing deeply, causing America's mood to droop, thinking that Japan did not, or would not love him back. Now looking down as well, America began to retract his hand from Japan's, only to quickly be stopped by Japan's tight grip. America froze and flung his head up, eyes widened with slight tears casing them. Slight teardroplets were shown on his moonlight lit glasses as he stared at the Japanese man. "K-kiku...?" He said confused.

Then looking up at America with his eyes full of tears, Japan smiled. He smiled bigger than ever before, causing America to blush deeper. "I am happy to hear that America san...I love you as well, and I have for over a century."

America was shocked, happy, and overwhelmed with emotion all at once. "Keeks I.." Suddenly a buzzer inturrpted the two causing America to jumpslightly and look up at the sky. "SHIT! This means the fireworks are starting!!!!" Panicking, America suddenly brightened and blushed red. Now grabbing japans other hand and holding both into his own, he inched forward, moving closer to Japans face with a look of begging and pleading in his eyes.

"Kiku...can I-...Can we...kiss?"

Blushing bright red and his smile turning to a look of nervousness, Japan took a breath and smiled sweetly.

"Hai. I would like that very much Ameri-"

"Call me Alfred." America aid with a grin.

"......Alright, Alfred s-san." He said slightly uncomfortable, not used to expressing first names.

Then blushing and leaning in, America pressed his lips against the Japanese man's, now hugging onto him with his hand beginning to wrap itself in Japan's black moonlight lit hair. 'His lips are warm...' America thought to himself, wondering how far this kiss would go.

Kissing back, Japan blushed hard, this wasn't his first kiss, but it was far diffrent...much more...true. Warm. And passionate. 

Suddenly, in the backround as their lips pressed against one anothers, a large bash of fireworks shot into the air, matching perfectly with the moment their lips touched.

Now hugging onto America, Japans eyes fluttered shut. This feeling of warmth in love roaming thoughout his entire body,.. felt amazing. Even from a simple small kiss, Japan and America felt simply, amazing.

'I love the feeling of his lips...I love him...he's so warm...I want to kiss him more...' America thought to himself unintentionally and absentmindidly deepening the kiss.

Feeling America deepen the kiss, the japanese man Blushed harder, but decided he should do the same, and deeped the kiss as well, holding on to Alfred's waist with his hands. As the two continued to kiss, the fireworks coninued to shoot off all around them. Suddenly, Japan felt a slight lick on his lips. Wondering what it mean, Japan blushed harder. ' this what France san told me about? ...A french kiss? Hai.. I believe so....I trust America san...with my all my heart.. I will allow this...' Slightly then Japan instinctivly opened his mouth ever so slightly, letting his tounge gently touch America's.

'He accepted it.... I don't want to scare him...I'll take it easy..' Slightly then America let his tounge enter Japan's mouth, ever so slightly, but enough to explore. America's face blushed redder feeling Japan's tounge against his own, as did Japan in the same situation.

'It is strange...But America san's tounge feels...nice against my own...' Japan thought, now beginning to become more comfortable and free, letting his tounge swirl around America's, blushing an even deeper red as he does so.

Taking that as a hint, America blushed and pulled his tounge farther into Japan's mouth, now exploring every part he could and taking in the taste. About to pull back for air, Kiku began to recoil, only to have America slightly bite at the Japanese man's lip, showing that he wasn't done with the kiss, and causing Japan to squeak and slightly moan.

Yet again kissing deeply as the firworks shot off and around them, America and japan Swirled their tounges togeather once more before losing their breath, then pulled back panting for air as they leaned against eachothers foreheads, coninuing to hold eachother closley.

"A-America san?"

"Yeah keeks...?"

"You are a very good kisser, how many times have you kissed before?"


Japan stared wide eyed and shocked. Surly this wasn't America's first kiss...Was it?

" this is..."

"yeah." America said grinning big. "This was my first kiss. Thankyou kiku, It was amazing, dude."

Now blushing deep red and glancing down slightly, Japan smiled softly. 'So his lips are mine then....'

Looking up smiling America noticed that the final fireworks of the night were about to go off. Quickly then, he looked back at Japan, smiling softly with tears of happiness in his eyes. "Keeks....I love you so much, Lets be togeather forever, Ok?"

Blushing again as he looks up at America wide eyed, Japan smiles softly then relaxes and nods. "Hai. I agree. Lets be togeather forever Alfred san." Suddenly then Japan smirks and carfully pushes America's shoulder to the ground, causing him to lay in the grass and blush rapidly.

Staring wide eyed America looks confused. "K-keeks what are.."

"Happy 200th Aniversary birthday Alfred san."

And with that, Japan layed down next to him and curld up holding America close, placing his lips upon America's one last time before the night ended. Both closing their eyes out of happiness, they finally both had what they always wanted. Eachother.


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