Chapter 4

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London's P.O.V

I woke up in my bed confused. I had a dream that I saw Jack, how stupid am I to think that it was real. Jack is dead and has been for years.
Tears started running down my eyes as a ran through my memories with Ja ck.
(You were 10 at the time)
I was lost at the park after I saw a dog and went running after it. I started crying like every lost 10 year old would probably do. I saw a boy in a distance coming towards and I was a very friendly gal so much for the whole never talk to strangers speech from my parents.
"Hey are you okay" the boy asked
"Yeah, its just I don't know where my parents are" I said while sniffing
"Don't worry, I'll get my mum and we'll find your parents" he said
"Thank you" I said
"My name is Jack... Jack Avery" he said
"London, London Falls" I said
"Are you from England?" He said
"Yeah how did you know?" I replied
"Your accent" Jack said
"Oh. I'm also from London" I said
"Your name is London and your from London" he laughs
"Yeah" I say laughing with him
"Oh look there is my mum" Jack said as he pointed to his mother.
Jack grabbed your hand and took you to his mother.
After you talked to his mother and described your parents. She found them and from that day on you and Jack hang out more and more and soon you two became inseparable. 
~End of flashback ~

I considered my foster parents and that time to be my real parents since they were so sweet and kind but how wrong was I. Jack helped me through everything I had told him everything that had happened to me so far.
I remember when my so called "parents" started hurting me, Jack helped me even though he was about 12 at the time. I sometimes even would sleep at his house for days until my foster parents realised I was gone and came to get me. Jack's parents would try and stop them but my foster parents would always win since to the foster system they were the perfect couple with the perfect life.
I also remember that day when I was 12 my foster parents came into my room and told me that Jack got into a car accident with his parents and died. I lost everyone due a car accident. I cried for weeks and weeks then my foster parents got caught and were sent to jail. I was moved to another country so I had so chance to visit Jack because they never took me to his grave and didn't let me.
One of the reasons why I can speak why I can speak 8 languages is due to my "traveling" from one foster home to another
I can speak Italian and Bulgarian (cause my dad was Italian and my mum was from Bulgaria) then I was born in England so I was taught English growing up along with the other languages from my parents. At school I took French. Then from my foster homes I had to learn Polish, Spanish, Lithuanian and German.
I don't even know how I keep up with all of them but since I learned them I don't wanna throw them out of a window like I spent nothing in my life to learn all that.

I was interrupted with my thought when Logan came into my room to ask me of I was okay

"hey, are you okay. You really freaked me out" Logan asked

"What do you mean, I just woke up" I replied

"Don't you remember" Logan asked confused

"Remember what Logan you are really scaring me" I asked

"Well ...

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