What is a Spectre?

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First lets clear out what a Spectre is.
They are magical beings that have spirit animals, which can include leopards, wolves, cats, panthers, etc. No birds or fish. Can rarely be lizards or snakes, but not amphibians.
They can also be mythical creature. This one is limited to only phoenixes (this one is only if they are part Phoenix), dragons (any type), serpents, and manticores.
Most are Chimeras.
There are Arch (pronounced Ar-ck) Spectres. They are Specres with wings and a higher power. Arch Spectres gain their wings naturally. Any Spectre can be an Arch. They can also lose their wings.
In their Human forms, they look like any human.
In their Spectre form, they look like a human with the ears (if a mammal)/horns (if a dragon or lizard with horns), their tail, and wings if they are an Arch.
In their True Spectre form, they are their spirit animal.
I have creatures called Dracaries. I don't even really know what they are. Wolves with dragon heads? Either way, Spectres have Spirit Dracaries.
For example, my Spectre Ajien is the being of Fate, his Spirit Dracary is Fate.
Human Spectres do not have a Spectre form. They also have less control of their outflow of Spectre energy. They are stronger than the normal Spectre. The True Spectre form of them is always a Feathered Dragon.
Demon Spectres have two different sides. Their good side and bad side. They have black claws in their human and Spectre forms and the blackness will grow on them depending on how insane they are or were. They are always two animals combined. Example: Radia, my demon Spectre, is a wolf with furry feathered dragon wings in her normal, good form. In her more demonic form, she is a furry feathered dragon.
Most Spectres are Chimeras. In order to be an Arch, their creature somehow needs wings. For example, Zitri, a pure Spectre(yes there is a difference between a Spectre and a pure spectre I'll get to that), is a dragon. So he was a wingless dragon (or drake) when he wasn't an Arch, but because his species aready had wings naturally, he isn't mixed with another creature. Lishki, another pure Spectre and Zitri's grandson, is a wolf. But when he gets his wings, his wings are a steampunk dragons wings.
A Spectre can only be a phoenix if the phoenix part is their wings, and even that is rare.
They also have ablities. First, there are two main differences of Spectres. Dark spectres and light spectres. That in itself explains it. Then they have a second element (unless its a pure spectre. A pure spectre is just dark or light and are reffered to as Pure Dark or Pure Light spectres. They can use all elements and are stronger than a normal Spectre, since there is only one bloodline of Pure light and Pure dark spectres). Secondary elements can be plant, earth, water, ice, fire, air (this one is rare), and electric.
Black Spectres are evil
True Spectres are good.

Humans and Spectres cannot breed or else the female will die, or the product will die unless its the Demitri line or Ivringe line.

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