We were once hundreds pt 1

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Human Spectres. They once were at least half of the Spectre population before a huge break out of Spectres and humans being unable to breed with each other and a big battle of betrayl.

Serriah was one of the eldest human Spectres. She helped train the others. The Spectres lived a fairly peaceful life. So one day....

Serriah watched over the other Human Spectres while in their True Spectre forms, in her True Spectre form as well. She smiled at all of this. Her cousin, Iri, was down with all of them, playing and training with them. Someone came up beside her. She looked up and it was a completely black with a white tail tip feathered dragon. His name was Valeran. Serriah was in love with this dragon, and he was in love with her.

He grinned in greeting and Serriah nuzzled her head under his chin.
"Hello, my lovely dragon." He said flirtatiously. He admired her. She was a cream colored dragon with the brightest red eyes. Her feathers were silky. In her human form, she has slightly pale, perfectly toned and soft skin. Her brown hair wa slong and flowy. Her red eyes still glowed.

Serriah admired him as well. He had a big build. In his human form, he had tan skin and black crazy hair. He had bright blue eyes to contrast it.

While she was leaned into him when something sharp like teeth sank into her tail she yowled and flew back, literally. While she was flying in the air, Valeran and Serriah's little sister were laughing. She flew back down and cuffed her sisters ears. "Asshole." She muttered. Her sister smiled. "I'm trying to be like you."

Valeran chuckled. "Hey, I'm going to go train. I'll meet you two down there later." Serriah just nodded and then glared at her sister again before laughing.

The two sisters layed down, before hearing an explosion and roaring. Serriah jolted up and from the Spectre base fire was flowing form it.

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