Olympia needs help...

908 11 16

Panda_Bear invited Gay_Alian, Tomatoes_are_a_fruit, The_Boss, and  π = 3.14159265359 to HELP ME GUYS

Panda_Bear: Guys please answer I really need help

Tomatoes_are_a_fruit: Wtf, Olympia I'm trying to sleep

The_Boss: It's 4:30pm

The_Boss: how can you be asleep

Tomatoes_are_a_fruit: I'm special. I need my beauty sleep. Otis can confirm.

Gay_Alian: Please don't bring me into this

Tomatoes_are_a_fruit: baaaabbeee your supposed to have my back in this

Gay_Alian: What did I tell you about calling me that

Gay_Alian: In public

Tomatoes_are_a_fruit: You weren't against it last night...;)

π = 3.14159265359: TMITMITMITMI

Panda_Bear: Guys please I need help

The_Boss: Is everything okay with oona? you didn't invite her to this chat...


Tomatoes_are_a_fruit: TROUBLE IN PARADISE?

Panda_Bear: quite the opposite actually

π = 3.14159265359: ...what's happening?

Panda_Bear: do you guys want the long version or the short version

Gay_Alian: short

The_Boss: short

 π = 3.14159265359: short

Tomatoes_are_a_fruit: short

Panda_Bear: so this morning i went downstairs to make breakfast, right? and then i noticed that we desperately needed to go grocery shopping cause i wanted to make oona pancakes. so i did an early morning shopping run and got all the ingredients, and made the pancakes. and then i remembered that oona is sensitive to dairy so i had to scrap the pancakes. by then oona was already up and she had already made breakfast so i wanted to make it up to her by taking her shopping. we found this really cute dress for her that she looked AMAZING in but oona said not to buy it because it was too expensive. i bought the dress anyway for her. she was really happy when we got home and all that, but then she said that there weren't any occasions coming up for her to wear it. and THEN i asked her out on a date so she'd have an excuse to wear it and now i need you guy's help figuring out what to wear because oona was really excited about the date and like i said she looks AMAZING in that dress and we also like color coordinate our clothes on dates but i got nothing and i am FREAKING OUT NOW.

The_Boss: wow...um

Tomatoes_are_a_fruit: two things: 1) you call that the short version? 2) can i have the pancakes if you guys aren't going to eat them?

Gay_Alian: i made you pancakes this morning

Tomatoes_are_a_fruit: i know, but i ate them all

Gay_Alian: you WHAT

Panda_Bear: guys,  were you not paying attention? i seriously need help with this!!!

The_Boss: hate to tell you this olympia, but none of us are really 'fashion experts'

π = 3.14159265359: have to agree with ms o on this one

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