For Science - (Oscprah Texting Shot)

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π = 3.14159265359: hypothetically speaking, if i were to set the lab on fire, would you still love me

The_Boss: ...yes?

π = 3.14159265359: but what if the fire spread to your office

The_Boss: ....

π = 3.14159265359: and the rest of the building

π = 3.14159265359: and maybe the southern half of the city

The_Boss: yes?

π = 3.14159265359: and um, what about explosions? what are your thoughts and ideas on explosions?

The_Boss: dangerous

π = 3.14159265359: but, like, what if it was for science?

π = 3.14159265359: like, hypothetically speaking, what would happen if i blew up a building for science

The_Boss: ...oscar?

π = 3.14159265359: for a good purpose, mind you

The_Boss: oscar....

π = 3.14159265359: because isn't that what we're all about? good purposes? learning?

π = 3.14159265359: all FOR SCIENCE

The_Boss: was anyone hurt?

π = 3.14159265359: what? no, everyone's fine. no casualties. just some angry civilians



π = 3.14159265359: you know i love you very much

The_Boss: ggggggggggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

π = 3.14159265359: you know the quote "love the sinner, hate the sin?"

The_Boss: oscar

π = 3.14159265359: ...yes?

The_Boss: WHAT. DID. YOU. DO

π = 3.14159265359: oprah, i love you with my entire heart and soul, and please don't kill me

π = 3.14159265359: and, can you maybe pick up some food on your way home?

The_Boss: fine. what do you want for dinner?

π = 3.14159265359: ummm.... anything that takes a long time to get

The_Boss: 😒

The_Boss: fine

π = 3.14159265359: thank you, oprah, I love u so much

The_Boss: i know. ily too oscar

3 hours later

The_Boss: OSCAR

π = 3.14159265359: ........yes?

The_Boss: EXPLAIN 

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π = 3.14159265359: .........................................uuummmmmmmmmmmmm

The_Boss: o s c a r d i d i f u c k i n g s t u t t e r

π = 3.14159265359: .......... for science?

A/N: What do you get when you combine a tired writer with a wattpad account and a freedom to ship people? This shitstorm, apparently. Sorry for the short chapter. Please remember to vote/comment! Thank you!

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