Part 1 - Chapter 1 - Let The Countdown Begin

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She was annoying to say the least. An unrequired asset to their family. Jason had been a fool to bring her into their lives. Yet there she was. Happiest of them all. How her soft blonde curls bounced with her as she giggled. How her eyes seemed to sparkle even more as she grew sleepy.

Damian couldn't be anymore disgusted by a human being. She was senseless and dull. Laughable even. 

Damian had first met her at their annual New Years Eve party. Most everyone had been invited. Bruce Wayne held the most elegant parties after all. Everyone from Clark Kent to even those Damian deemed unworthy such as Barry Allen and company had been invited. 

Yet there she stood by Jason's side. The brainless adolescent. She was but a child, still clinging to Jason's arm and following him everywhere he went. He'd been an idiot to bring the girl to the manor yet everyone seemed to adore her. Diana Prince having stolen her away a few times, telling her old stories and even Dick Grayson himself let her stand on his toes as he took her for a gentle dance. 

Damian took a sip from his bubbly apple cider, "Pathetic." 

It wasn't as though he cared that all the attention had been focused on to her. That he'd been tossed to the wind. Forgotten. It was impossible to forget him, he was the son of Bruce Wayne after all. The rightful heir to the Batman mantle. He didn't care one bit. 

"I feel ill, I'm going to my room, let no one disturb me," Damian growled at Tim who was at his side.

Tim rolled his eyes, laughing and leaning down to fix his brothers bow tie, "You still gotta meet a few people first."

Was he drunk? Since when did Tim of all people care if he met others or not. But then again maybe it would be best to do as told so as to not draw any unwanted attention. 

"Very well," Damian sighed, squatting his brothers hand away, "lead the way, Drake. And drink some water, your breath reeks of underaged drinking."

Tim hadn't really been drinking that night. All he had were a few stolen sips of wine and a couple of glasses of champagne which Jason had been giving him throughout the night. Come to think of it, the champagne had tasted a bit too bitter at first although Tim had thought nothing of it and the taste eventually went away. 

Yet the young man did as his brother told. Tim was helped by Damian who kept a firm hand on his older brother's back, to walk over to Jason and the young girl in his company.

"Timbo! Having fun I hope," Jason laughed as he brushed his hand through the white streak of mess which kept flopping down onto his forehead. 

"Todd, you have intoxicated Drake which is by far the second most stupidest thing you have done tonight," Damian declared as he did his best to keep his drunken brother from tipping over as he tried standing straight, "The first being you brought a child to an adult party and- and you are intoxicated as well..."

Jason chuckled, shaking his head and bringing the young blonde from his side over in front of him, "Demon spawn, meet my kid. Debbie this is Damian."

He must have been out of his mind. Damian rolled his eyes. He had known of the girl since before the others in the family. Jason had kept her a secret until he'd enraged Damian so much that the boy brought out all photographs and evidence he had on Jason and the child. It was an immature move on his part but he'd been feeling petty at the time.

She wasn't even his child. Not legally at least. The blonde runt always snuck away from the church to visit Jason. Even on the coldest of nights. Jason himself would use any excuse to have her at his side. Why he would ever do such a thing Damian would never know. 

Debbie's eyes widened as she brought up her hand for Damian to shake, "Jay, he's so pretty."

Damian spat out in disgust. Who did this girl think she was? He was not a puppy or a dress up doll to call pretty. Perhaps handsome which Damian knew fairly well that he was, everyone always told him so, but pretty? An outrage! A terrible way to describe Damian Wayne himself.

"Listen here, girl-"

"Dami, take her to go get cupcakes or something," Jason's voice was beginning to slur as he pushed Debbie his way and brought his arm around Tim, bringing him closer so they both could now drink together, "I'll take care of Tim. Now shoo! Go!"

Very well. Damian fixed his jacket and turned on his heel, expecting the girl to follow suit. Although she had  followed, Debbie also had reached over and grabbed his hand to keep close and make sure they were not separated. Damian thought otherwise.

Shaking her hand off from his, Damian shook his head, "No, no what are you doing? That is wrong on many levels."

Damian was able to keep the peace by letting the girl hold on to his shoulder as they made their way through the crowd of people within the manor. After dodging a few other drunken guests, the two reached the dessert table with a smile of accomplishment plastered on their faces.

"I like white chocolate best," Debbie grinned as she reached for a paper plate and began to pile many cookies and chocolate treats on it. 

Scoffing, Damian grabbed a plate of his own and elegantly placed chocolate covered fruit, "Dark chocolate is best. Everyone knows that." 

After they had finished filling up their plates, the two decided to go to the backyard and enjoy what was left of the night. They sat on the cold steps leading to the vast garden which smelled of sweet lavender in the summer mornings and freshly watered grass at night. 

Damian ate a strawberry in peace before looking over at the girl beside him. Debbie had worn a frilly pink dress which was now stained in chocolate and an unknown light yellow patch near the neckline. She shook slightly underneath the light sweater she wore but didn't care much for the cold breeze which pushed her loose curls into her eyes.

"You don't talk much do you?" he asked, setting his plate down.

Debbie chuckled as she popped another piece of chocolate into her mouth, moving her hair from her face, "I talk way too much. Jason says it all depends on who I'm with."

From inside the manor they could hear the others as they all began a countdown to the new year. Many of which were drunk and shouting loudly. No one had bothered in coming out into the night seeing as all attention was inside the manor at all times and it was much warmer in there as well.

"Huh... well perhaps I simply make the best conversation as opposed to yourself," Damian shrugged. 

Judging by the shouting and yelling, the guests indoors had successfully brought on the new year in quite the fashion. A couple few people stumbled out behind the two only to push their way back indoors. 

Debbie brought up her hand once more after cleaning it on her dress, "Happy New Year, Mr. Wayne."

Thinking for a moment, Damian rolled his eyes before finally giving in, firmly taking the girls hand and giving it a shake, "Happy New Year, Ms. York."

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