Chapter 2

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He was rude to say the least. Although he'd also grown up under certain circumstances, Debbie was in no position to judge. The young girl would simply stay quiet whenever she found herself in his company. Not like her at all but it was better to avoid any argument with the brat after all. He may have been brought up as an assassin yet Debbi didn't care one bit.

Debbie herself was currently living in a foster care ministry. A nearby church which was friendly enough, all the children and staff there were very nice. It wasn't as though she hated it but she didn't very well like it either. Jason was able to sneak her out whenever he could. Although he wasn't her legal guardian, he was able to pull a few strings.

On one certain day, Jason had taken her with him to the manor. He would have let Roy babysit but the red head had other plans for the day and was unable to do so. He thought it was healthy for Debbie to get away from the church every once in a while anyway. Even if Damian himself would need to be stuck babysitting.

"Todd, are you sure she is worthy?"

"Will you just keep her company? I've got to have a chat with Bruce," Jason had claimed before rushing off into the manor, leaving the blonde with Damian who was the first person he'd found.

Damian scoffed as he looked the girl up and down. She had on the clothes Jason had bought her some weeks ago. A rude excuse for clothes in Damian's opinion. The child wore loose jean shorts and the brightest pink shirt he'd ever laid eyes on. 

Debbie thought she looked fine. It was a warm day after all. She crossed her arms and stuck her chin up when she noticed the boy judging her outfit. He was the one being silly trying to act like an adult with his nose stuck between the pages of a book at practically all times of the day and night. 

"I will teach you how to properly stab your opponent," Damian declared after making up his mind on what they would do while waiting for his brother.

The young blonde scoffed in disbelief, "I'm only a year and some months younger than you. I don't need a babysitter."

"Two years."

"Nuh uh! Some months."

"I am still older."

No matter what Jason thought, Debbie was perfectly capable of taking care of herself. It was foolish to leave her under the care of a boy who was hardly any older than herself. Debbie kept her chin held high and her lips pressed together, clearly unamused.

She may have thought Damian seemed like a very nice boy whom she could befriend before officially having met him, but soon she found herself irritated by the boy. Curious nonetheless but still annoyed at times. It mattered very little to her who he was. But still she would not let him find out how interested she was with him. A boy having been raised an assassin, he was still just a boy. Nothing more. Nothing special. 

"Don't be so naive. You need a teacher and we both know Todd isn't at all fit to teach you anything his walnut sized brain knows," Damian explained as he took his book, moving it from one hand to another before motioning for the girl to follow him.

They may have had a decent New Year's Eve but Debbie still did not agree with the boy in front of her. Although she did follow him she was still very much appalled that he would speak so little of Jason. The man was quite a genius and a great person in her eyes. He'd saved her life countless of times, she would forever be grateful to have him in her life.

After putting his book away, Damian had acquired two sets of throwing knives for them both. One was much more dull than the other, Debbie was thankful for that or else she might possibly have actually stabbed the boy because of all the idiot remarks he made. 

She learned easily how to properly hold a knife. Not at all a problem, Jason would always let her fiddle with his own weapons as long as they were of no obvious threat. An unloaded gun or a very dull knife were usually what she would borrow and play spy with. 

Although she was very quick at learning, Debbie was also very stubborn. And so was Damian. She'd practically tackled him to let her use the sharp knife but the boy was having none of it. One quick thing led to another and Debbie had accidentally prickled herself and was bleeding from her finger and crying.

Damian had to bribe her by promising ice cream so the child would stop crying but all was well soon after. Or somewhat well. 

It would be a long time until Jason would be back for Debbie and she would need to survive the next few hours with her so called "mentor". It was ridiculous. Damian was once again trying to teach her to fight with a knife. He first taught her to hold it and next he would teach her to hold it. A task not easily done. 

"No, you cannot hold a blade that way, are you stupid?" Damian said, his voice full of annoyance.

"Pfft, you're the stupid one." Debbie retorted.

She truly was trying her best. It was just too darn difficult. Damian expected her to hit the farthest of targets. They had already ruined one of Alfred's rose bushes and were now practicing on the trunk of a tree. The older boy continued to point out how wrong her stance was in great annoyance. 

"Perhaps you need a live target," Damian thought out loud as he gently pushed his student farther away from the tree trunk, motioning for her to continue practicing.

Debbie grinned before tossing the knife from her hand, "Are you volunteering?"

Damian sneered at her before demanding she keep her eyes on her target. It didn't take long before Debbie grew tired and truly did attempt to throw her blade in the direction of her instructor. Damian of course didn't take likely to her attempt at murder and immediately grabbed her hand and strode back into the manor.

  "Todd, she is being an unbelievable pain!" he yelled down the halls in search of Jason.

 The blonde kept brushing her hair from her face as she was dragged down the hallways. Damian had been yelling loudly the entire time and was beginning to hurt her wrist until finally he let her go and Debbie moodily followed behind. 

They had found Tim and Damian continued to yell at him all the while the young girl stayed behind, listening intently but refusing to acknowledge the buffoon before her. Poor Tim. He had the bad luck of having to call the boy his brother. 

Debbie listened and balled her fists at her side as Damian proceeded with his rant and bad mouthed not only her but also Jason. How dare he?! This runt was surely in for it now. 

  "- not get along with such a girl!"  

She hadn't even thought of the consequences, Debbie lunged forward and planted the heaviest punch her tiny fists could muster. She was successful in pushing the young boy a few steps back, his hand immediately coming up to his chin. 

Tim stood quite terrified beside them both as Damian composed himself once more. Obviously still in shock, Damian was unable to comprehend what had happened.

"You're mean Damian Wayne." Debbie declared as she crossed her arms 

She wasn't sure what it was that impressed him. But Debbie surely had done just that. She had impressed the very same Damian Wayne that had very much hated her since before they had even met.

Damian cleared his throat before taking her hand in his and leading them down the hall, "You are worthy. Follow me. We will find Todd together."

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