Chapter 6

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The two comrades did almost everything together. It was strange at first although soon it simply became a part of life. Like breathing. It was natural. It was just right to do so. Maybe even a part of their own survival. 

Like breathing. Like breathing. 

Debbie was easy to speak to. Partly because she did the speaking for both of them. Damian didn't mind. He knew she enjoyed speaking her mind. She was stubborn. Possibly even more stubborn than himself. Damian had long since given up in trying to win an argument although still challenged her at times. 

"Maybe it's just part of our genes. Like how I like some boy stuff," she would say.

Damian would simply agree, "Maybe." 

The blonde was kind. Not only because she was a child. She was kind to him. To him. And not only because of his name. His cursed name as she had once said. Debbie cared very little for his name. The blood flowing through his veins was his own. He was a Wayne but to Debora Holly York, Damian was simply her friend. And that is all that mattered.

She loved late night talks. On days she couldn't sleep, she would find herself calling Damian and the two would meet at the garden in St. Victoria's. Damian had no other choice but to go even on nights when he was on patrol. The young boy would stray away from his father or wait until they returned home before sneaking out once more.

Damian didn't mind at all. He would often turn down invitations from Jon to go on adventure. Although at times the two still went out on their own. Those were the nights Debbie would be in bed early. Tonight was not one of those nights. 

"I want to open a bakery when I get older," she would explain, "Maybe even travel the world. Just imagine it."

Damian hated that she could just speak her thoughts as though she was so positive her goals would become reality. It was ridiculous. Ridiculous but he never stopped her from dreaming. Just hearing her voice, listening to her speak nonsense gave him a sense of serenity and calmness he couldn't acquire elsewhere. 

He would sit beside her in the kiosk, dressed in his Robin uniform. It was late at night, none of the other girls would ever see them together in the garden. Damian was still sure that something was bothering her. She braided her hair when they were together. They spoke less and less each night. He hated that they would talk less. What was the point in going to St. Victoria's if Debbie had nothing to say? Damian continued visiting either way.

The blonde would hum to herself while making a flower crown out of daisies. Damian fiddled with his gadgets or would sometimes bring a book to read. Debbie would often bring him whatever she had been reading, whatever book she had finished. 

"Have you made any friends in your own school?" she would ask him.

Damian shrugged, not looking up from his book, his mask not at all disturbing him, "Why on earth would I do that?"

Debbie chuckled, she brushed a curly strand of hair from her face and continued with her current flower crown, "You're suppose to make friends. Be more child-like, remember?"

"I was given the impression, York, that you were already my friend. And I have Superboy as well." 

"Jon doesn't count and neither do I."

The young boy chuckled and looked at her with a sloppy grin, "Well then perhaps I should rethink my entire life. It seems that I have no friends after all."

That made Debbie laugh. He liked the way she laughed. She seemed so innocent when she laughed. A child with not a worry in the world. She didn't seem like an orphan. He decided that he liked her laugh as well as her smile. 

After some time, everything was going well once again. Damian noticed that Debbie was no longer as upset as she had once been. Maybe she was back to her normal self. She'd been acting silly as usual after all. Yet all that went up must come down at one point or another.

He'd been gone for the most part of two months. Debbie had almost entirely forgotten about him. Almost.

Jason was in the manor. His right eye was swollen and a few scratches and bruises were visible across his face. She could only imagine how hurt the rest of his body must have been. The blonde would have been beyond ecstatic to have seen him. Except that he wasn't visiting the manor to see her. He was there for Bruce. And when Jason was there for Bruce, he would only be present for a few moments before leaving once again.

So she hid. She ran down the hall and into Damian's bedroom.

"York, you forgot to knock." Damian was only half serious, he knew the blonde never knocked before entering his room. 

She quickly closed the door behind her and dropped herself on the boys bed. Damian was working on a sketch, sitting on his desk and making the most of the sunlight which shone through his window. 

"Jason is here. I don't want him to see me," she answered numbly, kicking her shoes off.

Damian held back a grin, he shook his head and went back to his drawing. It amused him to see how Debbie attempted to hurt Jason in her own way. But perhaps he should try convincing her to speak to the older man. She owed him much over her own life after all. He'd witnessed that himself. 

He sighed, "Speak with Todd. Leave my room, I'm busy."

It wouldn't be that easy to convince the blonde. And it truly wasn't. They argued about why she should confront Jason. Debbie was extremely stubborn. Luckily enough, Damian was stronger than her. Which is how he found himself carrying the stubborn child over his shoulder and downstairs to the kitchen where Jason and Bruce were speaking. Debbie was surprisingly light and the boy had very little trouble in keeping her in his grasp.

"Todd," he greeted all the while Debbie kicked her feet, "Father, York and Todd have something to discuss privately together."

He was quick in dropping Debbie on her feet right in front of Jason before pulling his father away and out of the kitchen with him. 

Damian felt like he had accomplished much that evening. Of course his father and Jason were both beyond surprised when they first witnessed him carrying the blonde. But also of course, if anything strange or unusual ever happened, Debbie was never far behind.  

As it turned out, Jason had been visiting to invite them to a wedding of some kind of one of his comrades and partners. Debbie immediately forgave him and apologized for being so stubborn when she had found out. Damian didn't care in the least about whatever wedding they were being invited to. Whoever the couple was could have been married that same night in some old chapel in the middle of nowhere as long as he was concerned. 

Weddings. What a complete joke. Damian hated them. 

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