Chapter 7

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One afternoon, Damian decided he would wait for Debbie at the gate of St. Victoria's.

It was the fall semester. One of the more colder fall semester's to be honest. He was beyond glad that school had begun once again. A boy like him could handle summer for only a certain amount of time. 

Their summer had been quite uneventful. They had attended a silly wedding for one thing.

Much the matchmaker, Debbie had been playing cupid ever since she began to take her classes at St. Victoria. The young blonde had set up her own teacher and one of Jason's own comrades together. What a strange pair. Damian hated the two, the bride was far too beautiful for the groom who looked like a child playing dress up with his father's suit.

Debbie followed him the entire night. Damian would always hate weddings. Such extravagant parties were ridiculous.

The blonde came over every day to read. Quite truly a very, very boring summer filled with books and visits from Jason. It was rumored that the older brother was planning on having Debbie as his ward. But Damian spoke nothing of it. It was simply a rumor among the brothers after all. Only a rumor. 

Damian learned that Debbie had dreams. She loved so many things in the world. The blonde still attended St. Victoria's of course. She had become accustomed to it. Fallen into a routine living there.

She was surprised but happy to see him there waiting for her. She had two other school friends who she bid farewell to as she began running out the gate and pulling him down the sidewalk before anyone noticed she was leaving.

Damian soon found out that no one paid very much attention to him while he waited outside of St. Victoria's. No one cared that he was Damian Wayne. To them he was just another student from a different school. 

Much like Debbie, she didn't care who he was or where he came from. Damian was simply Damian which was more than enough for her.

"You've gotta read this new novel I borrowed from the library, it's amazing!" she told him as she walked backwards to face him.

Damian couldn't help but let a light smile graze his lips. He wasn't listening to much of what the blonde was saying as he instead kept a look out so Debbie wouldn't crash into anything. She didn't mind at all. As long as she was able to speak her mind.

It was intriguing the way she hugged books so close to her chest, her sloppy curls unravelling down into her face without a care. Damian was almost jealous even. Not only did she not care for the way she looked with such insane hair or the way she never seemed to iron her clothes.

He noticed quickly, the blonde did most everything out of spite. Not caring. What a way to live. He had a foul taste in his mouth thinking of the nonsense Debbie got herself into. 

And so he took her to get a sandwich. 

They rarely visited the Deli near St. Victoria's but they served the best sandwiches Damian had ever tasted. Quite the largest as well. The two split a turkey sandwich while going over Debbie's failed Math exam. Damian did his best to correct some problems so she could study them later on. Debbie paid no attention at all.

"Have you listened to any new music lately?"

"Focus, York. How you got these problems wrong I'll never know."

Debbie let her friend go over the exam while she ate her food instead. She looked out the window beside her, watching a dog cross the street. 

"Did you know Jason hates that I spend time with you."

The boy scoffed, shaking his head but not looking up. He continued writing notes in the empty spaces of her paper, "Would you just pay attention, York."

"He says you're a bad influence. I think that's a lie," she noticed he was more interested in her math exam than her topic of conversation,  Debbie rolled her eyes, "Damian, does that mean nothing to you."

Finally he sighed before turning his head toward her, "What Todd thinks is none of my business. Think of me as your babysitter."

"You're only a year older."

"Exactly. Older, Debora."

It was weird hearing him say her name. Debbie felt like she was being scolded. 

But it was true what she told him. Jason had visited some nights before. He didn't think it was a good idea to be around Damian especially if it was during the night when he's suppose to be on patrol with Batman. 

Debbie didn't care. What Jason didn't know wouldn't hurt him. She had few other friends anyhow. Julie and Rose were her only friends, the three of them shared a bedroom and Debbie liked that they were nice. She would sneak away to meet Damian whenever they fell asleep. Jason's warning fell on deaf ears.

Although one Friday, the young man had found her at the manor. Quite late during the night too. 

"Debbs, shouldn't you be at St. Victoria's?" Jason scolded her, Roy standing right behind him. The red head knew better than to intrude on his friend's scolding but now he was stuck there.

As usual, Debbie was at the Wayne Manor. Every Friday night she slept over after all. Bruce always welcomed her with opened arms and Jason never visited on those days anyway. That Friday was different though.

The little girl bit her lip and shrugged her shoulders, making her pajamas rise slightly from her toes, "Bruce let's me stay over."

"Bruce? Bru-", he took a breath before straightening up once more, "Stay here. I'm still not finished speaking to you." 

Jason was quick in stomping down the hall as loudly as he possibly could. Roy had been left behind. Both he and the young girl kept their gaze on the now empty hall before turning to each other. Roy sighed before pursing his lips, "You run as fast as you can, child. Run like your life depends on it-"


It didn't take long for Roy to run after his friend just as it didn't take long for Jason to almost tear out Damian's throat. Luckily, Bruce and Roy intervened before an actual fight broke out in the manor's living room. 

"Why is that demon even hanging out with her? Sleepovers, Bruce?!"

The only true hero that night, Debbie would gladly admit, was Alfred. God bless that wonderful butler. He was able to put both Jason and Bruce in their place before anything got out of hand. Although he didn't agree with it, Debbie would be able to stay at the manor whenever she wanted to. Not under Bruce's or even Damian's supervision but under the supervision of Alfred himself. 

And no one questions Alfred. 

Jason left quite disappointed that night but there was very little he could do. Debbie was left with the biggest smiles on her face. 

Alfred was quick in sneaking a grin as he and the blonde now stood alone in the hallway, "I expect to be your assistant cook the next time you bake."

I really wanted to be done with this chapter so I am so sorry for the terrible ending I sort of just wung it to be honest. I also really want to be finished with this part one of the story so it is very close to the end because I need these two cupcakes to get older. There will be some good and some bad chapters, I wasn't really happy with the ending of this one but hey, I had been putting it off for far too long and am sure I would never have finished it.  Thanks for reading let me know what you think! 

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