Chapter 4

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"Are you ok? You look like hell." Barbara stated as soon as I walked through the door to work.

"Thanks. It's a new look." I replied sarcastically and joined her behind the counter, placing my purse on a shelve underneath.

I was glad my father was already off to work by the time I woke up that morning. I wasn't ready to face him after what happened the night before.

"They're not bothering you again, are they?" She asked seriously, scanning my face.

I knew she was talking about everybody in town.

"No, no. Just didn't get enough sleep." I dismissed the conversation with a wave of my hand.

I was thankful when she didn't pursue the topic any longer. I hated fighting with my dad and I knew I should have said sorry, but I was still too shocked at the fact that he wanted me to forgive my brother. He couldn't honestly expect that from me.

"Soooooo......" Barbara trailed off with a cheesy smile.

"Soooooo...." I mimicked her.

"Tell me about your date with Mr. Curly-head yesterday!" She squealed and grabbed my hands.

I pulled out of her grasp and rearranged some pens lying around on the counter. "His name is Harry. And Barb, I already told you, it wasn't a date. We just got some coffee."

Though what I said was true, I couldn't help the smile that formed on my face at his mention. Suddenly, I felt my body surge with excitement, realizing I would see him again today. My feelings confused me though. How could a guy I recently meet, make me feel this way?

"Ok, if that's what you say." She singsonged. "Well if he's single, can you give him my number?"

I glared at her playfully

"I'm just saying. The things I would do to that boy...." She licked her lips making me slap her arm.

"Your disgusting." I groaned while she laughed.

"But you love me anyway. Oh! Are you going to the ball?" She asked excitedly, fixing her hair so it flowed on one shoulder. It was times like these when a pang of jealousy hit me at her beauty.

"Nope." I popped and rested my elbows on the counter, looking out at the street.

Every year the town holds a "Royal Ball" on Halloween where you can dress like the princess you've always wanted to be and drink champagne until you pass out. And since nothing ever happens in this quiet town, people look forward to it all year. People like Barbara.

"Why not? You haven't gone since...." She looked down realizing what she was saying. "You need to go this year. Show a fresh face."

"It's just not my thing." I shrugged and walked over to a bookshelve, rearranging already organized books.

"It used to be." She said softly behind me.

She was right. If you asked me about the ball a few years ago, I would've rambled on and on about my dress and date. But after what happened with my brother, I became too embarrassed, too ashamed to go. I was the towns outcast and no doubt wasn't wanted there.

"I'll think about it, ok?" I sighed, giving her a small smile. I wasn't going to go, but I knew Barbara wouldn't leave me alone until I gave her a satisfying answer.

"You won't regret it, Rosie! Maybe you can invite Harry." She winked and began helping me with the books. I rolled my eyes, figuring that arguing with her would just turn out to be pointless.

We continued to chat about random, stupid things while cleaning the already spotless store. I kept anxiously glancing at the door, hoping to see Harry stride in smirking like he did the day before.

"Rose, are you even listening to me?" Barbara waved her hand in my face.

I hadn't realized I'd been staring at the door for more than a few minutes. "Uh yeah, you got new shoes." I replied carelessly and started biting my nails.

She huffed and crossed her arms. "A new jacket. Why do you keep looking at the door?"

"I don't know." I lied, shrugging.

"Rose, you don't bite your nails unless you're anxious." She raised an eyebrow, a small smile playing on her lips. "Are you expecting someone?"

"No." My cheeks felt hot and I glanced at the ground.

"Your waiting for him, aren't you?" I could tell she was resisting the urge to laugh.

"He said he was going to come, alright?" I blushed profoundly and stared at the ground.

My shift was almost over and he still hadn't shown. I didn't know much about Harry, but he didn't seem like the type to set me up. I think what really bothered me the most though was the fact that I cared so much. We had just met, yet I already felt the need to be close to him again.

Barbara raised her hands with a grin. "Don't worry, I won't say anything."

"Thank you." I gave her a fake smile.

"Your welcome. Now, it's time to go home!" She cheered and started doing the disco. "I can finally get my Glee on!"

I laughed, shaking my head. "You're such a dork."

"Yeah, but imma funky dork." She said and started doing the running man.

We closed up the store and walked out onto the sidewalk. He never came. This upset me more than it should have. Maybe he was just busy. Or maybe he just didn't care.

I began walking down the street when I heard Barbara yell my name.

"Rose! Rose!"

I looked back at her and saw that she was walking quickly towards me.

"Hey." I said when she smiled.

"Hey, do you wanna come over? My moms at a friends and my dad's still working. It'll just be us."

"Uh it's ok. I mean, my dad wants to have dinner together and I have a few errands to run....."

I would've loved to hang out with her, but I needed to talk to my dad. If I didn't apologize first, neither would he and I didn't want to drag the tension out any longer.

"Oh ok. It's cool. Next time." She smiled and I nodded my head doing the same.

I turned to walk again but she grabbed onto my arm.


"Yeah?" I asked, facing her.

"Be careful."

I didn't have to ask what she meant. She was talking about Harry. Of course she was.

"I will." I nodded, answering automatically.

Then I suddenly became scared. She was right. I had to be carful and I realized at that moment I wasn't. I was letting Harry in easily, allowing him to invade my every thought and make my insides melt with his smile. Why? The past few years, I learned to keep my guard up, knowing who and who not to trust in my life. So why did my wall suddenly crumble upon meeting the tattooed boy with curly hair?

"I just don't want you to get hurt. " She said softly.

"Thanks, Barbara." I pulled her into a hug, thanking god for an amazing friend like her.

"Alright, so I'll see you tomorrow!" She said when we pulled away and began walking in the opposite direction.

"Bye!" I yelled over my shoulder, walking along the street again.

As I walked home, I thought about what Barbara said. Allowing Harry in wasn't being careful, I decided, but it's what I wanted.


Sorry for the long wait!

So basically Rose is all giddy and happy and mushy about seeing Harry and she knows she shouldn't be but then decides she doesn't care. And I know it may seem like they barely talked so Rose hasn't really let him in, but the only other person who she talks to is Barbara so it scares her.

Please take a second to just push that vote button!!

Angelica xx

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2014 ⏰

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