An Overpowering Amount of Chewiness

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Hello world! As promised, this chapter is actually on schedule (actually a day ahead of schedule, but the next chapter will be posted next week on Friday. This chapter has a bit of Steve/Ton adorableness, but not much. I think I’ll keep it on the down low since I do have some readers who have expressed that slash is not their cup of tea, and I can respect that. Besides, them making out every five minutes it not extremely plot relevant, so I’ll push it under the table :P


Last time on Wither Wings.

He turned and smiled at her in an amicable way. "Would you like to see your family?"

"They-" she began, her voice cracking.

"They're dead."


“You fixed her.” Tony stared at Steve in shock and awe. “You just flipped your pretty blonde hair and she fell all over you.” His voice reflected reverence usually only utilized for religious experiences and One Direction concerts as he stared at Steve unblinkingly. “It’s the Steve Rogers magic. You’re like the–the,” Tony thought for a second. “You’re like the ghost whisperer, except instead of ghosts, you whisper to psychotic girls.”

Steve raised a wry eyebrow in disbelief.

“Okay, Stark,” Natasha breezed by with a smirk, dusting her hands off on her black leather pants. “You can go and get your balls back now, wherever you might have left them.”

Tony acted aloof, stroking an invisible ascot nestled in the hollow of his neck. “I take offense at that, dearest Tasha. I have balls, just ask Steve.”

At that, Steve’s face went into a state of deep blush, his head turned to the side, his eyes fixated on the impeccably clean Formica counters as he brushed the tip of his nose with his thumb, a slight cough escaping his lips.

“Oh. Oh.” Natasha winked knowingly. “So you two have been getting it on? About time.”

“Actually, Tasha, they’re been ‘getting it on,’” Clint used air quotes as he walked past them and into the kitchen. “Since when are you so out of the loop?”

“Give me a break,” she scoffed. “I just got back from an undisclosed location.” She hopped up onto the counter, crossing her legs and arms simultaneously.

“Otherwise known as the Valley of Clint Barton’s Bedroom,” Tony said in an aside to Steve, who was eternally grateful that the topic of him and Tony’s sex life was buried under the topic of Clint and Tasha’s. It was at these moments that Steve felt as if it wouldn’t be so bad to be a loner like Banner.

“Shut it, Stark,” Clint and Natasha retorted in unison as Tony retreated to his bedroom, waving off the two agents like irritating gnats.

“So,” Steve cleared his throat in an attempt to change topics in order to avoid a messy spectacle that would eventually end in someone summoning a velociraptor. “How’s the girl?”

“Oh, fine,” Natasha replied, leaning up against the wall, her calves hitting the edge of the counter. “I managed to get all of the blood out of her hair using the sink before she threw me out the door. Luckily enough, ‘shower’ is pretty much universal in every language.”

“Now what do we do?” Steve asked, feeling pointless.

“We wait,” Natasha said simply. “She has a bed. She knows how to use it.”

“We wait…” Steve repeated, letting the words echo in the room before hearing an indignant shout from Tony’s bedroom.


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