Obama's Trip Part 4

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*As Shrek ate waffles with Donkey and Puss*

Donkey:"I love making waffles for us!"

Puss:"This is the 7th week in a row, you ate waffles for breakfast."

Donkey:"So, you can't judge me."

Shrek:"I'm trying to have breakfast, Niall make a phone call with that wolf!"

Niall:"The Big Bad Wolf?"

Shrek:"No u scrub, I meant Zabivaka!"

Niall:"Oh alrighty then u fat bastard."

*Niall makes a phone call*

Ettie:"Hello this is Ettie, do you need anything?"

Niall:"I need to talk to Zabivaka."

Ettie:"Okay, just one second."

Ettie's POV

Some guy was talking to me because he actually needed to talk to Zabivaka.

Ettie:"Zabivaka, some guy on the phone wants to talk to you!"


Ettie:"He'll be coming soon."

Niall:"Alrighty, you must be his girlfriend."

Ettie:"No u soggy lampshade." "Who are you anyways?"

Niall:"I'm Niall Horan, Shrek's slave he wants to talk to Zabivaka."


Shrek:"How are my kids doing?"

Zabivaka:"They're doing fine Shrek, anyways who was that guy on your phone."

Shrek:"My slave."

Zabivaka:"Oh I see."

Ettie:"Prince Charming is after your kids Shrek, but don't you worry we put them in the basement in case of emergencies."

Shrek:"Oh damn..."

Obama's POV

I was having dinner with Trump, Kim Jong Un, Putin and Kanye Weast and it was the best thing I ever tasted in my whole life.

*Obama recieves an unknown number*

"If you don't know where Shrek is, I will find your children and keep them captive."

Obama:"Oh no!"

Kanye Weast:"What happened Obama?"

Obama:"My children are in danger!"

Kim Jong Un:"Don't worry, I can nuke them."

Trump:"Yeah because they need to fuck off."

Putin:"I'm going to help you Obama.

Obama:"Okie thanks!"

Trump:"No problem."

To be continued...

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