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Me: ok this dare is from me >:). Ok we all know how in the book I made hoodie loves Sally like a daughter......Wellllll hehe here ya go.

Hoodie: im scared

Me: hehehehehe

*BEN and Sally are in a dark room. BEN takes off his shirt in front my Sally and throws her on the bed. He climbs on top of Sally*

BEN: don't be sca-

Hoodie: *come in the room* hey Sally I was just wondering.....

BEN: shit....

Hoodie: FUCKER!!!!! *chases BEN down the road*

Jeff: well then. What the fuck was that!?

Me: I dared hoodie to walk in before BEN and Sally did it ./////.

Jane: you're fucked up

Me: hey but BEN made me mad so I wanted to get him back!!!!

Eyeless Jack: aye jane!!

Jane: oh god .////. *runs down the road after BEN too while blushing*

Eyeless Jack: hehehehehe

Me: we'll byeeee!!!! :D

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