Chapter 25~ Mine

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                 ~Karinas POV~

So we arrived at this cute little restaurant and it is amazing, its beautiful! Then after admiring the place, I spot Liam and Olivia. So I run up to them and say "Hi Liam and Olivia!" Then Liam said "Hi Kari and Harry!" Then Harry says to Liam "Ugh hi Li." Then I whisper to Harry "Why are u in a bad mood?" Then Harry says "Its nothing you should worry about.." Then I tell Harry "Okay just behave." Then I hear Liam tell us "C'mon you guys our table is over here!" Then I say to Liam "We're coming!" So I held on to Harry's hand and I basically had to drag him to the table. So we both took a seat.

                 ~Harrys POV~

So Karina and I take a seat and Liam says "Harry its alright that u missed practice, the rest of the lads were just being dicks." Then I tell Liam "Yeah I'm a little bothered with that but I'm bothered with something else.." Then Karina whispers to me "What's bothering  you?" Then I tell Karina "Nothing babe." I lied when really what is bothering me is Shane and the rest of her idiotic ex boyfriends like Luke.. I had to see her with Luke when I basically had feelings for her. I can't imagine her with anyone else than me! She's mine and only mine! I can see a future with her. Waking up next to her in our bed. Hearing her calmly breath.  Her waking me up for breakfast, getting married, having children and having many adventures ahead of us....Then a few minutes later the waiter asks me "Sir what would u like to order?" Then I say to the waiter "I would just like a salad please and some water." My head is pounding, I can't get those thoughts out of my head. Then a few minutes later our food arrives. Then Liam asks me "Are u nervous for tomorrow?" Then I say "Yes extremely!" Then Karina asks "What's tomorrow?" Then I say "Oh yeah I didn't tell u, Im going on X-Factor tomorrow." Then Karina says "Wow that's awesome." Then 15 minutes pass and we all finished eating. Liam then leaves about $10 for the waiter as a tip. Still my head is pounding! I can't get that out of my head! It makes me wanna punch a wall or worse someone. Then I look over at Olivia. She is very attractive , but not like Karina. Then when Liam and Karina are having their own conversation....I kiss her. I don't know what was going on with me! Those thoughts really did get to my head, the jealousy... Then a few seconds later Liam notices us kissing and he slams me to near by wall holding on to the collar of my shirt. Then he shouts at me "STYLES WHAT WAS THAT? SHES MY GIRLFRIEND AS YOU CLEARLY SEE! AND YOU HAVE A GIRLFRIEND YOU IDIOT! WHATS WRONG WITH YOU!" and he slams me harder to the wall.  Then I say "I..Ummm...I" Words are not popping into my mind and I'm speechless. Then I look over at Karina her eyes are bloodshot and puffy. Her make up is smearing a little and she is just looking at me in disgust. Then I look at Olivia she is clearly confused at my shitty behavior. Then a few seconds later I see Karina running off. WHERE THE HELL IS SHE GOING?! I DROVE HER HERE! IS SHE WALKING HOME?! ITS TOO DANGEROUS FOR HER! Then I say to Liam "Let me go!" Then Liam says "No.." Then I repeat myself but louder "LET ME GO." He then let's go of the collar of my shirt and I fall to the ground. The only thing I can do is go after Karina. So I run after her and I catch up. I grab her by the wrist and turn her around. She then says "Let me go!" Then I tell her "No Karina you have to understand please!" I practically beg her and go on my knees. She then said "Okay but make it quick and reasonable."

                ~Karinas POV ~

Harry is basically on his knees begging and I can't bare to see him like this. I love him, I'd do anything to spend the rest of my life with him....Then Harry says "Okay so since we saw Shane earlier and you told me he was your ex I got mad...or jealous....You mean a lot to me and I can't bare to see you with anyone else but me...I'm sorry Kari, I'll do anything for you to forgive me!" Then I take few minutes to think about it....Then I finally say to Harry "N-Okay I forgive you." Then Harry stands up from his knees and he hugs me very tight. Then he says "I'm sorry baby I hurt you.."  Then I tell him "Its alright I forgive you, Let's just forget about it and go home." Then we walk back to the car..The car ride was silent , Then Harry pulls over to my driveway and he says "By Kari!" Then I say "Bye Harry." When I was about to leave, Harry grabs me by the wrist and pulls me back. He gives me a kiss on the lips. It feels so good because all I had going today and now it feels like I had a lot of weight lifted from my shoulders. I've never had this much drama in a few hours..


Hello loves hope u enjoyed this chapter! I feel like this story is coming to an end :( but I have a new fan fic coming!! I'll just say its a Liam Payne fan fic no more info my lips are sealed for now. But there will be a second book for this fan fic for sure! It might be out in January or February! not sure. But you guys can ask me any questions about this fan fic or about me, (to get to know me) I'll maybe make it a seperate book or I'll post it on this book once in a while Idk but stay tuned for next chapter! :) x ~Kiana

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