15 Nov//Hazel

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And tonight I'm alive, ain't a dollar sign
Guaranteed, I can blow your mind,

And tonight I'm alive, ain't a dollar signGuaranteed, I can blow your mind, mwah•••

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How is it that you look good even when you're jumping off a boat while taking a selfie. What a LEGEND!!
{tagged: WiseGirl_Chase}

Frank.Zhang: You look pretty too my angel.
Jason.Grace: When you actually still have a social life cause you don't have double the trouble living with you.
Percy.J: You girls look stunning. and yes, my fiancé is a legend (especially in bed)
Leo.Valdezzz: Keep this post PG please Jackson, and it's better to wait until marriage.
Callie.Valdezzz: Sometimes I wonder what goes on in your small little minuscule brain. Percy Dumbass Jackson
Piper.Grace: Language Calypso Valdez.
WiseGirl.Chase: I wouldn't be surprised if every single one of you got reported.
Travis.Stoll: It takes real talent to be as dumb as Percy Jackson.
Percy.J: Imma just leave now.
Reece.Malibu: Bye Felicia.

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