Rules ~important~

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These aren't usually very fun but they have to be put up here.
This book is non-selective so anyone can RP if they wish, but I will be kind of strict about these rules.

I am also on Kik so if you'd like to RP with me there as well PM me and we'll work something out

1) I do not do smut in this book, I don't want it taken down for that. 

2) This is a Yaoi only RP book. If you don't like that then don't read it

3) Be descriptive in this, a minimum of four sentences

4) Some characters will have themes of self-harm (past and present), past sexual assault, etc. I will put a warning up every time, I ask you be respectful and do the same.

5) Only 5 people per RP. It will keep things cleaner and more organized.

6) You are allowed to RP with multiple characters if you want, just keep track of them all.

7) If you don't respond within two weeks I will delete the thread and reopen the spot. If emergencies occur to where you cannot reply to it, please PM me and we can work something out. If that's not the case then I'm sorry, it's out. You may still RP with me but it must be with a different character.

8) Tag me twice a day, and if you do don't do it one after another. Pace them please.

9) No OP characters. You cannot dodge everything, you cannot hit everything.

10) Cursing must be censored, exc f**k, s**t, a**, etc.

11) I will tag you a day before I delete the RP

12) Things May change so please keep an eye on this chapter

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