Detective Work

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Lily was serious about finding the Quagmire Triplets. The Baudelaire's thought it was refreshing that someone was actually trying to help them for once. She helped in other ways, too.

Once she learned how Violet loved inventing, she helped get her room filled with old mechanical toys and even managed to fit in a proper work bench. She also helped get rid of the pink in her room, a color Violet loathed. She also found a spare chalkboard so whenever Violet had an idea for an invention, she could just draw it out.

For Klaus she brought in a desk to keep his notes and a bookshelf to put books on for easy reading. She also told him where the spare light bulbs and flashlights were kept when he wanted to read at night.

Sunny presented her with a challenge. She needed a real bed, and she also liked cooking. However, she couldn't read a recipe. She couldn't read at all in fact. Lily came up with a brilliant solution. She found as many picture books about cooking and put them in Sunny's room. She also put in what seemed to be miniature counters, canned foods and even a fridge. As for the bed, she and Violet managed to get one out of the basement and put it in Sunny's room for her to sleep in. They sawed off the legs of the bed frame so Sunny could have an easier time climbing up in the bed, and the Baudelaire's started to feel a little more at home.

The four children would do the daily chores Ms. Henry expected would be easy for thirteen children, then spent most of their time in the library. Klaus would immerse himself in novels he hadn't read yet, while Violet would scan books about inventions and their inventors. Sunny would try to read cookbooks, studying the picture then mouthing the words. Usually, Klaus would help her pronounce a word, and Violet always clapped when she read a whole sentence right.

Meanwhile, Lily studied the usual wind patterns, starting from the village of fowl devotees and moving onward. A few weeks went by, and she looked ahead at where the wind would be pushing this hot air mobile home in the following days, if she was reading these facts right.

Violet was working on a signaling device with Klaus when Lily burst in, excitement filling her face.

"Why are you so excited?" Klaus asked with stifled laughter. Lily was starting to grow on him. Her smile, her laughter, her positivity, her love of books...

"I figured it out. Some newspapers spotted the hot air house and I was able to track the direction they're heading."

"And?" Violet asked nervously. Sunny smiled at her sister knowingly.

"They'll be in this direction in a couple of days, maybe a month at the most."


"I know, but I think I know the reason for that too. A harpoon was spotted lodged in the aircraft and that may have broken the steering wheel. It's literally wind powered."

"You figured all this out in less than a month?" Klaus asked.

"Well it took a little bit longer than I thought."

"Your amazing. Absolutely amazing, Sherlock." Lily blushed a million shades of red. She hugged Klaus, happy she had friends who appreciated her. Klaus blushed. This was even better then when Isadora kissed him.

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