Chapter 5

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" with the beast inside, there is nowhere we can hide

Silver coins were given to the blacksmith who ensured that each were molded to a silver chain.

They claimed the gift was a sign of the town's prosperity going forward. Alec's eyes now held permanent suspition as he watched everyone carefully, screaming at those who forgot to wear theirs.

In a fit of rage one evening, Alec even threw Clarissa and Angelica out of his house. Now having no children left in the house, Alec became consumed by the lonelyness which drove him crazy.

Robert was unable to breach the high walls he built around himself and as Alec was failing in his mayoral duties, Robert took over.

"Caleb found his son here." Luc explained pointing towards the ridge. "He was dragged out from the fields over here."

Robert nodded. The boy had grown to be his eyes and ears in the town and Robert even resorted to training the boy as a huntsman.

The silver coins around their necks gleamed in the low flickering candlelight. "I don't understand it." Robert spoke, plopping down in his seat. "The wolf hunts where it lives. Then why haven't we found him yet."

"Mister Robert!" Angelica called out as she rushed into the office, Clarissa following close behind with two plates of warm food. 

Angelica crawled onto Robert's lap. In the past few weeks he had been the only one who managed to bring back the little girl who lost the light in her eyes.

"I want her to stay in town tonight." Clarissa spoke as the two men dug into their food. "I love her, but I would like a break."

Robert nodded. "Of course."

Clarissa was not responsible for Angelica. None of them were, yet they felt they had to protect the girl who had suffered so much at such a young age.

After their meal Clarissa left with Angelica to keep her busy until Robert finished work. As they resumed Luc commented. "Strange woman."

"What do you mean?" Robert questioned.

Luc shook his head. "Choosing to be alone during the first full moon since the attacks started." His eyes met Robert's. "Strange don't you think?"

Robert frowned, but brushed off any doubts he had. Clarissa wore her coin proudly against her chest. It was impossible. Besides, the old woman was frail and sickly, unlike the strong characteristics of a wolf.

It was late when Robert made his way to the plush chair pulled next to his bed. A single candle lit up the dark room, and only the light sounds Angelica made as she slept filled the silent night air.

She had become his obsession, a reincarnation of the love he once lost he would not lose her again. The girl might still be young, but Robert had already, in his own twisted mind started to imagine a life together with her, far away from the town.

He watched her sleeping, twirling a piece of golden hair between his fingers. As the wolf stalked the outside of the cabin.

When morning came, Luc hurried to the cabin to wake Robert. Two people were attacked during the night. The silver pendants they wore kept Death at bay, yet both were badly injured. The girl having recieved a bite to her leg.

They were taken to the doctor's office who was busy wrapping the frightened couple's wounds. The girl was drenched in sweat and pale, Robert knew what was happening to her so well.

Within the next few hours her body would go into shock, forcing her into a comatosed state until the virus is able to infiltrate every inch of her body, only then by the beconing of the moon will she turn and become one of them.

Robert pulled the doctor aside. "We must isolate the two. The girl has to be killed."

"Killed?" The doctor was horrified.

Robert growled. "If we do not kill her, there is no telling how many more of us the bitch will kill."

"Robert, what's going on? You can trust me." The doctor said, laying a trembling hand on his shoulder.

Roberts words were whispers as he told the doctor of the monster the girl would become and not too soon after the girl was move to a private room. Robert closed the door behind his as he entered. The girl was rapidly approaching the comatosed state, and he knew if the body perished now, her soul would be saved.

"What's happening to me?" The frightened girl asked as Robert stood by her bedside, glistening silver knife in hand.

"You're a monster." He spoke.

She shook her head. "No, no, no. I'm not. I'm just sick." She begged, but he would have none of it.

His palms pressed down on the sheets beside her head as he leaned over her. His eyes scanned her face and he cocked his head to the side. "Such a pretty thing." He mummbled. His hand caressed her soft skin, skimming over her breasts heaving under the thin nightgown.

"Please, I'll do anything. Please, don't kill me." She pleaded again.

Robert's eyes narrowed before they softened. He leaned in closed to the girl. When their lips were a hair's breathe apart he plunged the knife into her heart.

Strangled breathes left her lips, her eyes widened with horror as she stared up at him.

When the light left her eyes and her soul departed from the world, Robert removed the knife and closed her eyes. He wrapped his fingers around the coin situated around her neck. The skin had yet to burn, but a faint irritant trail ran down her skin where the silver chain touched her.

He watched the girl's body for a moment longer before wrapping her in a sheet and with the help of the doctor they burned the body in the woods that night.

She succumed to her injuries, they told everyone. The fever did not break and the infection had spread.

No one questioned the doctor.

No one questioned Robert.

Alec could take the frustration no longer. And when night fell once more, he loaded his rifle and saddled his horse.

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