Chapter 14: The Box of Lies

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The peptidoglycan cell wall of a bacterium...
I whispered under my breath as i bit on my pen.
I have always had this bad habit of biting on pens when i was deep in thought.
Exams were coming up so i promised myself i would lock myself up at home and to do as much revision as possible.

Getting into my dream college, Brikston College, meant a lot to me.
I literally would have given up my savings just to be in that college. I was actually quite grateful my mother started that savings jar because now i have saved sufficiently enough to fund my clothing expenses for a year.

I continued the intermittent biting of my pen until a knock broke my train of thought.

It came from my room door.

I went to open it and there stood my Granny.
"Honey i found this at the doorstep,your name is on it", she said as she retrieved an old-looking box studded with pink ornaments. There were large crosses on the sides of the boxes and some gibberish signs on the front.
She appeared worried and there was a furrow in between her brows.

"I' ll take it thanks."
She placed the box in my hands and glanced at me one last time before returning to her room.

The box had ancient literature inscribed into it. Pretty sure it was greek or latin. It looked really old and antediluvian.

The box had some pieces of wood you could slide on top

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The box had some pieces of wood you could slide on top.
What was it for...


I stumbled over my books and fumbled through my worksheets before fishing out my phone admist the sea of notes.
I called Jasmond in a haste.


"What hobo?"


"Oh, Matthew? Yea waddup."


"Woah relax bruh. You haven't been this worked up since you lost your phone last year. Uhmmm i think it was 0412?"


I hung up the phone and tried to rearrange the pieces in the shape of 0412.
The box was still locked.
Maybe i was overthinking.

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