Chapter 26: Time

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I felt isolated.
I had went back in time, and time had went back and belligerently shredded my life into pieces.
I knew the idea of meddling with time will end up in no good.

Time is but a mere human concept that permeates through society. One that has been indoctrinated into us since birth.
Who is to say whether a minute is more precious than a second. It's almost pernicious, to judge the extent of our lives spent living on a human-made concept.
Yet, time, despite being a human concept, runs our lives.
We plan what time to wake up, what time to carry out activities.
It weaves a false perception that our lives will always be a never ending road, because there always seemsnto be... a next time.

'Next time' had left me complacent.

Yet, now i stand before the grave of my grandfather. With his picture staring back at me, and the letters of his name assiduously carved into the cobblestone, i could only bring myself to mutter...... i'm sorry.

Fragments of my childhood materialised in my head.

His paper-thin skin grabbing my palm, before filling it up with coins that he had saved for me to buy a drink.

I closed my eyes.

He turned around, and casted a wistful look at me.

I opened my eyes.

Lives were gone, because of me.

I needed to talk to Granny about this, she was the only one who knew about the box back in the old universe.

And i prayed, with every ounce of faith that resided in me, that she would also know about the box in this universe.

My phone rang at that instant.
I picked it up to see who it was.
The surrounding air had gotten musky due to the incoming rain and i squinted my eyes to make out the words on the screen.

*Text from Jhon*

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