Chapter 1: What's in a Name?

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I'm a loner. I know people sometimes say that because they want an excuse for why they're alone so that they actually feel less lonely and not like a loser, but I really am. I like to hide in my room and avoid contact with the outside world. Sounds dramatic, doesn't it? I suppose no more so than any other 16-year-old, but dramatic all the same. But it's more than drama for me. I really like silence and my own company. For the most part, anyway. And maybe I am a loser who says she's a loner to justify all the hours I spend watching The Office from start to finish. Either way, I spend a lot of time by myself. And on the whole, I don't mind my solitary life.

But there's another reason why I'm alone. I hurt. All the time. I have these ridiculous spine diseases and stuff wrong with my joints. Oh, yeah, I also have Celiac so my stomach is all screwed up. I'm not much fun to be around when I feel like crap. So, I spare others from having to deal with me by retreating to my room as soon as school is over. Now that sounds dramatic, doesn't it? I mean it, though. I'm not much fun, so laying on my bed with my laptop is my preferred method of existence.

Why am I telling you all this? Well, yesterday someone discovered me alone in my own little world and I have the feeling that was my last day of being a true loner. I'm still not sure if that is a good or bad thing. We'll see.

I live really close to school so when my mother isn't being a totally overbearing, helicopter-type parent, she sometimes lets me walk home. Other times she picks me up and grills me about my day. Well, not really my day, but my health.

"How are you feeling? How's your back? Are you in pain?"

The questions irritate me, and I let her know that they bother me by behaving like a stereotypical teenager, rolling my eyes and sighing. I'm not sure how I would feel if she ever stopped asking me, though.

Yesterday was a good day so she let me walk home. Turn left out of the school, go down one block, one right turn, and then two houses down and I'm home. Our house is little with not much room to breathe but I love it. I have my own room, my younger brother has his own, and unlike most of my friends, my parents are still married and live under the same roof.

On my way home I do something private, something I don't let anyone else hear or see me do. I sing. Not too loudly, just loud enough so that I can hear my own voice in my ears. I never sing in front of others. Ever. Until yesterday, that is. I'm walking along, singing one of my favorite Adele songs when I hear the sound of leaves crunching behind me. I turn around and see a short, skinny girl with bright pink hair. She stops as soon as she sees me starting at her and smiles awkwardly.


"Hi?" I say, wondering what she wants.

She takes one step closer to me. "I heard you singing."

I look around carefully. Is she trying to mess with me? I narrowed my eyes. "Yeah? So?"

The girl looks around like she's embarrassed. "I've heard you before, too."

Who the hell is this person? I glare at her. "Good for you. Again, so?"

She looks like she's going to say something but stops herself. "Uh, never mind."

She turns and walks away slowly. I shake my head. Crazy person, I think, and start walking toward home again. I start to put my earbuds in to drown out any other noise, when the sound of rapid footsteps makes me turn around to see the crazy girl running right for me. Leaves fly in all directions under her feet, her hat sails off her head, causing her long, pink hair to fan all around in a swirl of cotton candy curls.

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